Dagestan, Gimri. Photo by www.panoramio.com/photo/27963946

03 March 2010, 21:00

In Dagestan, workers of Gimri Tunnel are examined for TB

The administration of the Limited Liability Company (LLC) "Dorstroyholding" has obliged all the workers engaged in construction of the Gimri Tunnel, without any exception, to undergo x-ray examination. The necessary medical equipment was brought to the construction site specifically for this purpose.

The decision was made right after the publication of the "Caucasian Knot" of February 23, 2010 entitled "Workers of Gimri Tunnel in Dagestan complain of labour conditions".

"As of today," said Dzhankhuvat Saifulaev, deputy director general director of the LLC "Dorstroyholding", "more than half of the tunnel workers have been examined; and not a single TB case was revealed so far."

According to Mr Saifulaev, Dagestan "takes one of the leading places in Russia by the count of TB patients; however, the morbidity rate has nothing to do with the reconstruction of the Gimri Tunnel."

During the reconstruction period, as Mr Saifulaev asserts, not a single tunnel worker was dismissed.

The words of the deputy director general are completely confirmed by heroes of our previous publication: borer Magomed, electrician Ibragim and welder Sagid. "There was no persecution. We continue working as before. However, an ex-ray installation was brought here," the workers told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Meanwhile, as the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent adds, rumours circulate among the workers about a forthcoming huge personnel reduction.

"We sign contracts with workers for the period of performing certain works," Mr Saifulaev has explained. "Once the work is over - the contract expires. Any staff reduction is out of question."

Author: Elena Khrustaleva Source: CK correspondent

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