29 September 2009, 22:10

Prosecutor's Office: mass fight in Altai with soldiers from Dagestan had no national context

Instigators of mass fight in the Altai Motorized Rifle Division, where recruits from Dagestan suffered, have received their prison terms. 

No national context was revealed in the incident, as reported by Sergey Fridinskiy, Chief Military Public Prosecutor of Russia.

Earlier it was reported about a mass fight with participation of recruits from Dagestan that burst out on July 5 in the Motorized Rifle Brigade accommodated in the city of Aleisk. According to suffered soldier, they were beaten by some 200 servicemen right in the parade-ground. After the incident in Aleisk, some 50 recruits from Dagestan went on hunger strike demanding to transfer them to some other unit. Later, the press service of the Siberian Military District reported that part of the soldiers of this brigade was moved to other military units. Later, the Committee of Soldier's Mothers said that the transferred recruits were beaten again.

"We have established that the incident happened for the guilt of several militaries, who were beating younger soldiers and extorted money from them. Now, these 'fighters' will spend their terms behind bars. The commanders who failed to stop the barracks lawlessness on demand of military public prosecutor lost their posts," Sergey Fridinskiy, Chief Military Public Prosecutor of Russia, said in his interview to the "Rossijskaya Gazeta". The material will be published tomorrow, on September 30.

The "Gazeta.Ru" writes with reference to Mr Fridinskiy's opinion that this one and other recent incidents in the Russian Army were just showdowns at the everyday level. 

"Some soldier would not like cleaning the barracks or performing other fatigue duties. There were attempts of disobeying to younger commanders. Scuffle burst out from time to time, but we've revealed no national context in them," the Public Prosecutor has assured.

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