Chechnya, Shali. Photo by

04 September 2009, 18:00

Video about arrested "shahids" ambiguously perceived in Chechnya

In the evening on September 3, one of the republic's TV channels showed a report about the young men detained in the southeast of Chechnya, who planned to commit terror acts by self-explosion. The report caused contradictory reaction of the population and local observers.

Let us remind you that, according to official data, on September 3, in the Shali District of the republic, militiamen of the local ROVD (District Interior Division) detained, in the course of their operative-search actions, four young men, ready to commit terror acts as suicide bombers. It is reported that three belts stuffed with explosive, three sub-machine guns and a pistol were found on them.

The young men were interrogated personally by President of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, dressed in camouflage, who brought the detainees to the house of one of the failed suicide bombers, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports.

The heart-to-heart talk with the unfortunate terrorists was held with participation of the father of one of them and Ramzan Kadyrov in person. President of Chechnya poured threats and insults on the detainees and their relatives and promised to liquidate all the militants' leaders in the near future. No names of the detained terrorists were mentioned; it was only mentioned that three of them are natives of the village of Avtury, Shali District.

Mr Kadyrov asked the young men to tell him about their reasons for committing suicidal terror acts and "fulfilling the will of Arabian mercenaries."

"Do you know that here the blood feud can be executed in ten and twenty years?" Kadyrov asked one of the detainees. "Do you understand what problems you'd have created for your father, mother and others?"

The frightened young man answered that he had acted under the influence of certain Arabs named Yasir and Mokhdan, and also of certain "Gerat".

"Sorrow on you!" Ramzan Kadyrov said to the unhappy suicide bomber. "You wanted getting to paradise by making a self-explosion, didn't you? Don't you know that suicide is a heavy sin? I tell you, I swear that the one who kills this Yasir, this Mokhdan, other shaitans (that is, devils, as power agents and Kadyrov call militants, - comment of the "Caucasian Knot") will surely get to paradise."

The Chechen President has also stated that the leader of Caucasian militants Doku Umarov is backed by the USA, same as in due time they backed Usama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

It is not clear what happened with the young men later.

In the opinion of some local residents, the "presentation" of the detained suicide bombers conducted by Kadyrov looked like a staged performance. "All that abuse and dirt that the President poured on the militants, his tone and insults addressed to the detainees and their relatives do no credit to him," a woman from Grozny, Kheda by name, said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

An employee of one of local human rights organizations sticks to the same opinion: "It doesn't give him (Kadyrov, - comment of the "Caucasian Knot") any weight and authority among the population. More likely, even vice versa."

He has added that the detained suicide bombers could quite well not be such. "In Kadyrov's talk with these terrorists I was confused with one detail. The detained suicide bombers were repeating what Kadyrov said almost word by word. About those Arabian instructors Yasir and Mokhdan, that militants use certain psychotropic substances, and so on," said the member of the NGO.

Meanwhile, Ramzan Kadyrov decorated the employees of the Shali ROVD, who had detained the would-be terrorists, with the supreme award of the republic - Order of Ahmat Kadyrov. Besides, the President has delivered 12 new UAZ minivans, several armoured ones among them, to the Shali ROVD.

Author: Muslim Ibragimov Source: CK correspondent

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