21 May 2009, 23:40

Yamadaevs' relative: authorities of Chechnya are behind Atlangeriev's kidnapping

Movladi Atlangeriev who was kidnapped in Moscow more than a year ago paid by this for his friendship with the Yamadaevs and for his intractability with the present authorities of Chechnya. This was reported to the "Caucasian Knot" by a member of Yamadaev's clan in his interview.

The story with kidnapping and probable later murder of one of the most influential in due time and well-known Chechen businessmen Movladi Atlangeriev was not so resonant in Chechnya like the murder in Moscow of Movladi Baisarov, commander of the "Gorets" special FSB detachment, execution in the centre of Moscow of Ruslan Yamadaev, Hero of Russian and former deputy of Russian State Duma, or the attempt in the United Arab Emirates on Sulim Yamadaev, Hero of Russia, former commander of the "Vostok" special GRU battalion.

At the same time, there is one circumstance that unites all these cases: Atlangeriev, Baisarov and Yamadaev brothers were opponents of the incumbent leaders of Chechnya.

"Ramzan Kadyrov is behind the execution of Movladi Atlangeriev, same as behind the tragedies with Halid (Ruslan) and Sulim," one of the members of Yamadaev family said in his interview to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. "As far as I know, that very Adam Delimkhanov, whom Ramzan Kadyrov names his brother and the 'right hand', was involved in Movladi's kidnapping in Moscow. In due time, Atlangeriev, same as Movladi Baisarov, and Halid with Sulim, supported Ahmad Kadyrov, helped him in everything, and the latter appreciated and respected it. However, Ramzan doesn't need any independent and authoritative people."

"Atlangeriev was captured in Moscow by Kadyrov's people commanded by Adam Delimkhanov. And it was done after he had been approached and threatened several times," said a spokesman of the Yamadaevs' clan.

"After Movladi Atlangeriev was kidnapped in Moscow, people saw him here, in Chechnya; not somewhere, but with Ramzan Kadyrov. He was kept as a sort of 'guest of honour' and taken away somewhere several times. Atlangeriev had his business in Moscow; he owned several buildings in the central city. Ramzan wanted securing his grip on that business, same as he's already done it in Chechnya and with many Chechen businessmen in Russia. However, he failed to intimidate or persuade Movladi to hand over all that 'voluntarily', and then he was killed," the source believes.

Author: Alexander Ivanov Source: CK correspondent

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