11 February 2009, 10:00
Burial of militaries found in mountains of Chechnya
A source in law enforcement bodies of Chechnya has reported that on February 10, in the woody district in Chechen mountains, in the border between the villages of Selmentauzen and Sharo-Argun, a burial with bodies of two militaries was detected.
"In the course of verifying operative information in the Vedeno District, militiamen came across a burial with remnants of two persons. Presumably, these are the bodies of Russian militaries, as they have remnants of camouflage uniforms," the source of the RIA "Novosti" has reported.
At present, the investigation moves an assumption that these are the bodies of the militaries kidnapped in 2000 by the members of the illegal armed formation under command of Baudi Bakuev. The surnames of the buried casualties are now established.