27 October 2008, 13:41
Two Volgograd militiamen convicted for beating people
The Svetloyar District Court of Volgograd has passed a verdict of guilty to two employees of the Svetloyar ROVD. The former district militiaman Shamil Bolatkhanov and militiaman of the patrol service platoon Sergey Kabdulov were found guilty of beating, when on duty in February and March 2005, citizens, trying to knock confessions of committing crimes out of them.
"Three victims are the figurants in the case, who were forced to address medical institutions after beatings," Lydia Sergeeva, senior assistant of the Public Prosecutor of the Volgograd Region, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. "On the following day after a 'biased' interrogation, one of the victims was hospitalized with his feathers broken, the second one - with brain concussion, arm fracture and bruises of kidneys, and the third one - with numerous haematomas."
The Regional Prosecutor's Office has reported that by the end of investigation of the case, in July 2006, lieutenant Bolatkhanov was dismissed from service by decision of the court. The criminal case arrived to the court for consideration in August 2006. The long process of litigation is due to numerous petitions lodged by defendants and their advocates.
"Despite the incontestable proofs of their guilt, presented by the prosecution before the court, Bolatkhanov and Kabdulov refused to plead," Ms Sergeeva has added.
She has noted that the court has upheld the accusation and found the guilt proved. The verdict of the court has convicted Bolatkhanov and Kabdulov under point "a", part 3, Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Excess of duties with use of violence"). Bolatkhanov was arrested in the courtroom. His punishment is 4 years of imprisonment at a general custody colony. Kabdulov was sentenced to conditional punishment (three years and three months of conditional custody).
"Besides, both of them are deprived of the right to take positions related to exercising power for three years," said Lydia Sergeeva.
In the opinion of Denis Polivenko, state prosecutor, the court verdict was too lenient.
Author: Vyacheslav Yashchenko, CK correspondent