15 November 2008, 15:55
Authorities of Chechnya stand for extended Russian President's term in office
Deputies of the Chechen parliament voice support to the initiative of President Dmitri Medvedev, who proposed to extend the terms in office of Russian President and State Duma Deputies up to six and five years accordingly.
"Four years is a good term to take a start and reach the sprint section, but to not to have a good finish. The head of the state should have a chance to finish his launched economic, political and social reforms. Four years are enough just for beginning. To finalize them, one needs minimum seven-eight years. Thus, we think that Mr Medvedev's offer is absolutely correct, and our parliament will support it," the RIA "Novosti" quotes Dukuvakhu Abdurakhmanov, Chairman of the Chechen parliament.
Earlier, on November 12, the initiative of Dmitri Medvedev was supported by local President Ramzan Kadyrov at his meeting with journalists in Grozny, who spoke even in favour of "lifelong presidency in Russia."
"Six years is an absolutely non-optimum term, if you ask me," he said, "President shall manage his country so far as he has strength to do it, but only provided his work is beneficial for the people and the country as a whole.
By saying so, he has openly let know that the only person he views to be lifelong President of Russia is Vladimir Putin, currently the Russian Prime-Minister.