26 June 2003, 04:44

The Wahhabi's Credo

The Saved Group
Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help!!
Hypocrisy and Varieties of Hypocrisy
Anguished Call to All Muslims, All Leaders and Chiefs of the Islamic World

In the summer and autumn of 1999 I visited the Republic of Daghestan where I came to study the organization and ideology of its Wahhabi communities. However, the hostilities which involved many adherents of Wahhabism in Daghestan forced me to make substantial changes in my plans. The Republic was caught in a wave of anti-Wahhabism, quite natural, because the incursion of Chechen rebels, supported by Daghestani Wahhabis, had no justification. The Wahhabi center and madrasah in Kizilyurt where as many as 700 mutaalim studied were destroyed. Infuriated Daghestanis demolished the Wahhabi mosque in the village Gubden of the Karabudakhkent District. It became dangerous for people with Wahhabi convictions to live in the Republic. In this situation, I had to abandon my field research plans.

The operation to restore constitutional order in the villages Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi of the Buynaksk District started on 29 August, 1999. On 16 September, the Popular Assembly of Daghestan passed a law prohibiting Wahhabi and other extremist activities in the Republic, which came into effect on 22 September, 1999. These measures outlawed people sharing the ideas of Wahhabism. Despite this, I managed to interview a few people who were considered Wahhabis or had close contacts with them. However, they could not answer all my questions. While almost all of the Wahhabi leaders were either in Chechnya or Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi which were sealed by the army, rank-and-file Wahhabis whom I managed to interview were not versed in ideology well enough and showed extreme caution, not allowing me to record our talks.

Nevertheless, finally my efforts were rewarded. I found a book with notes made by a member of a Wahhabi community in the course of ideological training. It set forth in a clear and detailed form what can be described as the Wahhabi`s credo.

Before presenting some of the notes, a few words should be said. The notes are contained in a big notebook whose sheets are kept together with a metal spring fixture. The cover bears words in Arab amidst an ornament of blue flowers, Allah at the top, then Mohammed and the names of the righteous Caliphs Abu Bakr, Omar, Osman and Ali (this means that the book belonged to a Sunni). Beside them is the owner's name and the year 1997. Notes were taken in Russian, extracts from the Qur'an and ahadith were made in two languages, Arab with translation into Russian. The owner was writing neatly and closely, with just a few mistakes. Judging by the fact that letters from Caucasian alphabets (for example, xI or oI) were used in some words, he must have been a Caucasian, possibly a Daghestani. When mentioning the Prophet, he writes the Arab eulogy "Sallallahu 'Alahi Wasallam" (that is he be blessed and hailed by Allah) which in this publication will be given in an abridged form in parenthesis (saas).

The text reproduces the author's manner of writing (including bold type and underlined words) and, with a few exceptions, his orthography. Letters of Caucasian alphabets are given without additional symbols, i.e. "oI" has been replaced with "t", and the Latin "h" with the Russian "kh". Infrequent mistakes in the agreement of word endings have been corrected. Arab text has been omitted, only its Russian translation in the form given in the notebook is reproduced. Translations of some of the Qur'anic ayats are often different from the available Russian translations, and may have been made by the notebook owner himself. It is remarkable that these translations obviously tend to make the meaning of the ayats more rigid. There are also some differences in the ayat numbering compared to the Russian translations. In the original, the names of the Qur'anic surahs are given either in Arab in Russian letters, or in Russian translation. In the following text, they are all given in square brackets in Russian according to the Qur'an translation of Academician Yury Krachkovsky. For example, [Al-Bayyina, 6] means the surah Al-Bayyina, ayat 6. Comments are by the article?s author. Omissions in the original text are marked with angular brackets.

The text includes several sections, Islam, Jihad, The Saved Group, Hypocrisy and Varieties of Hypocrisy, etc. Only the most interesting extracts from the notes are published, showing the convictions of the present-day Caucasian Wahhabis. The reader should be forewarned that this document expresses the viewpoint of just a small group rather than a majority of the North Caucasian Muslims.

This publication should not be considered as Wahhabi propaganda either. It is intended for scholars studying religion, including Islamic radicalism and extremism. It may be helpful in understanding the meaning of North Caucasian Wahhabism. It may also be useful for ethnographers, because it contains polemics against non-Wahhabi Muslims, describing their convictions, customs and rites which could not be accepted by the adherents of Wahhabism.

Ahmet Yarlykapov

This publication (Herald of Eurasia, 2000, No. 3) was prepared with the support of The Global Security and Sustainable Development Program of The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.


Muslims must sincerely accept the teachings of Islam set forth in the Holy Qur'an, the Word of Allah, and the Sunnah, the book of Prophet Mohammed's sayings.

Islam will give answers to all questions which we may have about this life and the life after death. Allah the Most High shall accept no religion but Islam and no constitution but Shari'a. Peace upon him who will embark on the right path, following the Prophet (saas). Everybody must live his life according to the Qur?an and the Sunnah.

Islam encourages knowledge and sciences. Islam admits wealth acquired in an honest way. Islam is the religion of justice. Allah loves the just. Islam is the religion of jihad and life (1). Islam demands that each Muslim should spare neither property nor efforts in the name of Islam?s victory. Islam removes ideological dogmas and alien ideas which spoil the purity and beauty of Islam, such as heresies (Bid?ah), innovations and superstitions.

We address our hearts, our invocations, our prayers and righteous deeds to Allah the Creator. Who does not know the truth or does not wish religious knowledge feels lost and does not know how to worship duly.

People do things which contradict and violate Islam; if a Muslim does any of these things he lapses into polytheism, al-Shirk(2), which cancels all his previous good deeds and consigns him for ever to the Hell Fire. Only repentance, Tawba, may win Allah?s forgiveness for such deeds.

Deeds contradicting Islam include(3):

Supplication (du'a) or prayer addressed to anyone but Allah, for example, Prophets, saints, dead or living people, etc.

Feeling of satisfaction when addressing prayers, entreaties or invocations of help to prophets, saints, living or even worse dead people or their burial places.

Sacrifice to anyone but Allah, since sacrifice belongs solely to Allah.

Ritual vows to anyone but Allah.

Ritual processions around burial places, fires, etc., since the ritual procession (Tawaf) is intended only for the Kaaba.

To count or rely on or place one?s trust with anyone but Allah.

To bow or kneel before any prominent living or dead people, since this veneration is intended only for Allah.

To judge or be judged according to any laws but the law of Allah, Shari'a (4).

To be displeased or discontent with decisions based on Islam (Shari'a).

To allow anyone but Allah to make laws. (Allah is the only law-giver.)

Belief in pernicious doctrines like atheism, communism, Hebrew Jewish masonry, Marxist socialism, secular democracy, secular life without religion or nationalism preferring non-Muslim Arabs to Muslim non-Arabs (example).

Abandonment of Islam or conversion to another religion.

Support or assistance to kafirs: Jews, Christians, Communists, other faiths.

Refusal to consider Communists, Jews, Christians, atheists or People of the Book, since they do not accept the mission of Prophet Mohammed (saas), infidels (kafirs)(5). The Qur'an says, Surely those who disbelieve from among the followers of the Book (i.e. Jews and Christians) and the polytheists shall be in the fire of hell, abiding therein; they are the worst of men [Al-Bayyina, 6](6).

The Sufi assertion that the being is one whole, that is, "There is nothing in the universe but Allah"(7). One Sufi chief was saying, "both dog and pig are our deity, and Allah is nothing but a servant in the temple"(8). Another Sufi preacher was saying, "I am Him, He is me". Muslim alims sentenced him to death, and he was executed (9).

Opinion that religion should be separated from state and rule and that Islam does not include political provisions. This is a lie against the Qur?an, the Sunnah and the life of Prophet Mohammed.

Prohibition of what Allah permits or permission of what Allah prohibits.

Muslim who perpetrates at least one of these deeds must renew his Islam and make Tawba to adopt Islam again, since any one of these deeds is the repudiation of Islam or a gravest sin.

He must reject wrong deeds and turn to Allah with repentance before he dies, otherwise he will be ruined and confined in the fire of gehenna for ever."Surely if you associate (with Allah), your work would certainly come to naught and you would certainly be of the losers" [Az-Zumar, 65](10).

It is Haram(11) to believe the words of astrologers, foretellers, soothsayers, fortune-tellers, magicians, clairvoyants or other people claiming to know what is concealed in the soul, in the past or in the future, since this knowledge belongs solely to Allah: "and He is Cognizant of what is in the hearts" [Al-Hadid, 6].

"Say: No one in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen but Allah" [Al-Naml, 65]. (Addition:) and they do not know when they shall be raised!

Prophet Mohammed (saas) said, "Prayer of him who visited a fortune-teller or soothsayer and asked him of anything will not be accepted forty nights" (hadith Muslim)(12). The words of impostors are merely guesses, random thoughts and suppositions; most of their words are Satan?s lies. Only the weak-witted can be lured by them. If impostors knew secrets, they would take treasures from the earth rather than live the life of poverty, earning their living by the deception of people. If they tell the truth, let them tell us the plots and intrigues of the Jews which they are making against the Muslims so that we could disrupt them.

"Repentance with Allah is only for those who do evil in ignorance, then turn (to Allah) soon, so these it is to whom Allah turns (mercifully), and Allah is ever Knowing, Wise. And repentance is not for those who go on doing evil deeds, until when death comes to one of them, he says: Surely now I repent; nor (for) those who die while they are unbelievers. These are they for whom We have prepared a painful chastisement" [An-Nisa, 17-18](13).

Iman(14) demands that Muslims obey the laws of Allah and the requirements of Islam in all matters. One who says he is within Islam must not do things contrary to Islam or contradicting Islam and Shari?a of Allah!



Religious bid'ah is what is not mentioned in the Qur'an or the Sunnah. The word "bid'ah", novelty, heresy, comes from the word "al-bada" meaning "invention", "innovation", i.e. something made up, which has not existed previously.

Innovations in customs are not prohibited, because customs are admitted, provided they do not contradict Shari'a.

Innovations in religion and worship are prohibited. The Prophet (saas) said, "Whosoever does an action, which we have not commanded then it must be rejected" (hadith al-Bukhari, Muslim).

Varieties of innovations:

Innovations in statements or beliefs of the misguided

Bid'ah in worship, introduction of new forms of worship, introduction of namaz or fast which are not provided for in Shari'a or introduction of illegitimate feasts, for example, the Birthday of the Prophet (saas). Any new additions to worship.

Performance of worship in a way which is not provided for in Shari?a, saying of the standard formulas of commemoration in chorus or worship contrary to the Sunnah of Allah's Messenger (saas).

Performance of legitimate worship in illegitimate time, for example, fast or night prayers at day or night in the middle of the month sha'aban (16).

Bid'ah in religion is prohibited because it is error, which is attested to by the words of the Prophet (saas), "I warn you of the newly invented matters, and every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is misguidance" (hadith in Abu Dawud and at Tirmizi), and the hadith "Whosoever introduces into this religion of ours that which is not a part of it then it must be rejected" (hadith in Muslim).

These two ahadith show that any novelty in religion is innovation, and any innovation is the refuted misconception. This means that bid?ah in worship and conviction is prohibited, though strictness of prohibition may vary. Thus, some bid'ah may be classified as pure non-belief, i.e. kufr, for example, processions around burial places, sacrifices to burial places or anyone but Allah, prayers addressed to burial places, supplication of help or salvation. Another category of novelties is bid'ah which is not a kufr in itself but may lead to polytheism, for example, mausoleums or other structures above places of burial, prayers said beside them or prayers addressed to Allah in such places.

Bid'ah representing opinions which contradict Shari'a.

The Muslim who distinguishes between good and bad innovations is erring, because he thereby contradicts the words of Allah's Messenger (saas), "...and every innovation is misguidance", which show that the Prophet considered all innovations as errors. These words are exhaustive, no reservations are made, therefore anyone who brings anything new into religion is misguided. They have no arguments in favor of bid'ah or that there may be good bid?ah, except the words said by Umar (Allah be pleased with him) on tarawih prayers said in groups during ramadan, "This is a good innovation"(17).

Supporters of bid'ah say that even in the past innovations were made which were not repudiated, for example, "the Qur'an ayats were put together into one book, and ahadith were reduced to writing." Answer to these assertions should be that such things are based on Shari?a and therefore are not new inventions. For example, the collection of the ayats into one Book conforms to Shari'a because the Prophet (saas) ordered to write down the Qur'anic ayats, and they were written down; then his disciples put them together to preserve them. The same may be said of tarawih prayers, because the Prophet (saas) at first was making them at night together with the sahabs (18), quitting them finally. It shows that these prayers in this form were not obligatory as fard, and the sahabs continued to make them in groups while the Prophet was still alive. This practice was carried on even after the Prophet (saas) died, until Umar ibn Hattab gathered them behind one imam, like they were previously gathered behind the Prophet (saas). Therefore, tarawih in group behind one imam is not bid'ah.

Reduction of ahadith to writing is also legitimate according to Shari'a, because the Prophet ordered some sahabs to write down some ahadith when he was requested it. However, usually ahadith were not written down during his lifetime, since it was feared that something alien might be included into the Qur'an. After his death these fears were dissipated, because the Qur?an had taken its final shape. Thereupon the Muslims commenced recording ahadith, wishing to preserve them, and let Allah reward them for saving the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of their Prophet from disappearance and distortion by people who might do this to them.

When bid?ah began to appear

The Prophet (saas) said, "Those of you who will live long will see many contradictions, but you should adhere to my Sunnah and the way of the righteous Caliphs" (Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizi). After the 2nd century of hijra, the Muslim world was engulfed in troubles, discords arose, people began to lean towards innovations and consequently their own passions; after the better centuries passed, innovations appeared related to Sufism, i.e. tarikats (19), construction of mausoleums, mosques and other structures above burial places; the more innovations were made, the more variegated they became. The further the country was from the Prophet's city Medina, the more innovations it had. It is certain that all sorts of innovations and misconceptions may be avoided by adhering to the Qur'an and the Sunnah.

Causes of bid'ah are the ignorance of religious precepts, indulgence in one's passions and blind adherence to ideas or people: this prevents people from following the clear precepts and learning the Truth. The Most High says in the Qur'an, "And when it is said to them, Follow what Allah has revealed, they say: Nay! we follow what we found our fathers upon. What! and though their fathers had no sense at all, nor did they follow the right way" [Al-Baqara, 170](20). Now some fanatics do this who, when they are urged to follow the Qur'an and the Sunnah and to abandon their traditions which contradict Shari'a, refuse to do this referring to their Sufi and tarikat teachings, doctrines of their sheiks, customs of ancestors, etc.

Imitation of the infidels

This imitation is the shortest way of all to innovations.

"Surely you will follow in the steps of those who preceded you" (hadith in Tirmizi). This hadith says that the imitation of the infidels lures some Muslims into paganism or superstition, since most of the Muslims have started to imitate the infidels in innovations and deeds which are common among the pagans. Celebration of birthdays, special days or weeks for particular rites, religious feasts, anniversaries or jubilees, erection of statues or other monuments, organization of mourning meetings, invention of new matters in mourning ceremonies, erection of structures above burial places, expensive monuments from marble or other materials, etc. <...>

Modern Bid'ah

Celebration of the birthday of the Prophet (saas) (mawlid).

Request of blessing or barakat(21) at burial or other places, from the dead, pictures, etc.

Bid'ah in worship or seeking ways to Allah.

Modern innovations are many due to the ignorance, the great number of people who encourage these bid'ah and offenses and the widespread imitation of the kafirs' celebrations and customs.

Mawlid, the birthday of the Prophet (saas) in the month rabi al-awwal, is nothing but an imitation of the Christian kafirs? feast of the Nativity of Christ (22). Many ignorant and uneducated people take part in these mawlids. Apart from being bid?ah and an imitation of the kafir customs, they frequently include reprehensible or pagan activities, such as the reciting of poems which include excessive praises in honor of the Messenger (saas). Prayers, du'a, and supplications of help are even addressed to him, though the Prophet (saas) said, "Do not extol me as the Christians extol the son of Mariam, for truly I am servant, and you should say, ?Servant of Allah and His Messenger'" (Bukhari and Muslim).

These gatherings also include singing in chorus, drumming and Sufi zikrs; men attend them alongside women; even if mawlid is celebrated without these offenses in the form of meeting, eating together and rejoicing, it is nevertheless an innovation and new matter, and we know that any innovation entails misguidance (part of the hadith). Besides, mawlids change as time passes, and these changes bring with them innovations and reprehensible deeds (bid'ah).

Mawlid is an innovation which has no justification in the Qur'an, the Sunnah or the deeds of the righteous caliphs or the better generations; it was introduced by the Fatimids who after the 4th century were Shi'its (23). <...> Sheik ul Islam Ibn Taymiyya said, "The same concerns things which are invented by some people imitating the Christians or wishing to express their love and veneration of the Prophet (saas) by means of a celebration, though people disagree on the day of his birth. Our predecessors did nothing of this sort, while if it had been a good thing, they would have deserved it more than us, for they loved and venerated the Prophet (saas) and aspired to the good more than us. For them, love and veneration of the Prophet (saas) were in following and obeying him, performing his orders, spreading his message among people and supporting it with their hands and tongues." Apart from being bid'ah and an imitation of the kafirs, mawlid encourages other celebrations of this kind, like birthdays of "saints", sheiks, chiefs, heroes or scholars which open many doors to evil.

Request of blessing or barakat from the created is one of the varieties of shirk and the tool whereby impostors extort money from ignorant people. Supplication of blessing is the request of barakat and good addressed to somebody, but such a request may be addressed solely to him who has good and may dispense it at his discretion, i.e. Allah, He be praised! Only Allah may give barakat and good and affirm them, while nothing created, living or dead people or their pictures (24), may either give, or create or affirm them. Therefore, request of barakat or blessing from any places, monuments, pictures or dead or living people is prohibited, since it is either polytheism itself, if the requesting person believes that anyone or anything but Allah may give barakat or good, or a way to polytheism, if the requesting person believes that visiting some place (ziyarat) or touching some thing he may receive barakat and good from Allah, which is also prohibited. <...>

Bid'ah in worship

Lots of bid'ah are nowadays practiced in worship, though worship should be based on the divine dispensation. All elements of worship should have a substantial legal basis. If there is no such basis, the element is an innovation according to the Prophet's words, "Whosoever does an action, which we have not commanded then it must be rejected" (Muslim). Rites of worship which are now practiced without justification include in particular:

Saying words of intention aloud before the namaz. This is an innovation which does not correspond to the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas), and Allah the Most High said, "Say, Will you teach Allah our faith, though Allah knows all both in the sky and on the earth? and Allah knows every thing!" The place for intentions (niyat) is heart, therefore the words of intention should be said in heart, rather than on tongue.

Saying of the words of commemoration in chorus after the namaz (Zikr, Azkar) (25), for according to Shari?a these words should be said individually.

Reading of Al-Fatiha after du'a, during prayers for the dead or on other occasions (26).

Funeral repast, where food is prepared and readers of the Qur'an are invited, with the purpose of consolation or helping the dead. Such acts are bid'ah having no justification. Allah is holy, and the Qur'an is truly the guidance and the Law for the living, not reading for the dead.

Feasts commemorating events like mihraj (27) or hijra (28) from Mecca to Medina.

Special umrah (29) during the month of rajab, accompanied with special prayers and fasts.

Sufi zikrs are all innovations because they contradict the zikrs of the Sunnah from the viewpoint of both their form and time of performance.

Structures over burial places, mosques over burial places of imams or sheiks, visits to these places with the purpose of receiving barakat or blessing, supplication of help from the dead and other polytheistic activities. <...>


Jihad is the holy war, the top of the religion?s pillars; jihad is obligatory for any Muslim (30).

Allah ordered his Messenger both in Mecca and Medina to wage jihad. In Mecca, "So do not follow the unbelievers, and strive against them a mighty striving with it" [Al-Furqan, 52](31).

Participation in Jihad (struggle for faith) may be either material or physical (direct participation in the warfare against the infidels), or with word and pen, i.e. in the form of calls for Jihad, explanation of the necessity to carry on an armed struggle against the infidels in the name of the laws of Allah and the religion of Islam.

Jihad has four forms:

Jihad against Satan
Jihad against soul
Jihad against kafirs (infidels)
Jihad against hypocrites
Jihad against Satan is waged by resisting him and withstanding his temptations.


Jihad against one's own soul is waged by resisting its temptations and passions and carnal desires. Jihad against soul is in its submission to Allah and avoiding disobedience to him. <...>

Jihad against the infidels, Communists, Jews and Christians who everywhere oppress Islam, make intrigues and kill and imprison Muslims is waged by all available means, finance for the purchase of arms and uniforms for the mujahids (32), propaganda carried on by people who can not directly take part in the warfare against Allah?s enemies, etc. The Prophet (saas) said, "Fight against the polytheists with your property, soul and word" (the hadith is given in Muslim).

Jihad is obligatory, and people must when and where possible participate in Jihad with their property, soul and word. Allah the Most High said, "Go forth light and heavy, and strive hard in Allah's way with your property and your persons; this is better for you, if you know" [At-Tawba, 41] (33).

When the Muslims stopped to wage jihad and got down to their everyday activities, commerce and agriculture, they were humiliated. The Muslims became weak and dependent on the kafirs. Mohammed (saas) was right saying of the Muslims,"When you take up usurious trade and hold to cow tails, devote your efforts to agriculture and abandon the Great Jihad, Allah will give you humiliation which you will endure until you return to your faith and resume Jihad" (this trustworthy hadith is given in Imam Ahmad).

We can get rid of our unjust rulers who speak the same languages that we speak if the believing Muslims repent, turn to their Lord, correct their beliefs and educate themselves and their coreligionists in the spirit of the correct and pure Islam according the words of the Most High, "Surely Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition"[Al-Rad, 11](34).

Create an Islamic state in your hearts, and it will be created in your land (from the book of al-Albani).

Preparation for Jihad. Allah the Most High ordered to prepare for battle. The Qur'an says, "And prepare against them what force you can" [Al-Anfal, 60](35). Allah?s Messenger (saas) explained this ayat thus, "Truly, force is shooting" (riwayat in Muslim). Every Muslim, depending on his capacity, must learn to shoot. Gun, tank, plane and other arms require shooting skills for their use. If only students learnt to shoot and had shooting competitions to prepare for the defense of their faith and sanctuaries! Instead, they are forced to waste their time on games and competitions in which their bodies are naked, which Islam orders to be covered, and in which they neglect namaz, which Allah orders to observe! (36)

When we return to the ideas of tawhid, monotheism, become Muslim brothers loving each other and prepared for an armed struggle, the Muslims' victory, insha' Allah(37), will be won, as it was won by the Messenger (saas) and, after him, his sahabs. <...>

Today Muslims in many countries wage the Holy Jihad against their enemies but suffer defeat. What is its reason? Is Allah's promise to his believers broken? No! This can never be! But where is the believers' victory...? We are asking the mujahids (fighters for the faith, warriors of Allah):

1. Are they ready for struggle in terms of faith and monotheism with which the Prophet (saas) had started his preaching in Mecca before his battle for faith began?

2. Have they taken the requisite measures and have they prepared all the necessary things of which Allah's order says, "And prepare against them what force you can" [Al-Anfal, 60], explained by the Messenger (saas) as "shooting"?

3. Have they addressed du'a (supplication) to their Lord in at least one battle? Was this supplication addressed solely to Him or they perpetrated shirk, adding companions to the Most High and asking victory or help from anyone but Allah the Almighty, though the beginning and the end of the victory belong solely to Allah, and no living or dead awliya' (38) or "saints" can decide the battle's outcome? Why do they not follow the example given by the Prophet (saas) in his call to his only Lord? The Qur'an says, "Is not Allah sufficient for His servant?" [Az-Zumar, 36] (39).

4. Have the Muslims joined together and do they show love to each other according to Allah?s word? Allah says, "And do not quarrel for then you will be weak in hearts and your power will depart" [Al-Anfal, 46](40).

5. Finally, why have the Muslims abandoned their faith and discarded their religion which encourages progress in science and culture and why have they fallen behind the other communities of the world? When they are gathered back into the fold of their religion, they will regain progress, power and grandeur! When the Muslims acquire the requisite FAITH, they will win the promised victory, "and it was due from Us to aid those who believed" [Ar-Room, 47] (41). <...>

We must start from correcting the Akida (42) (religious teaching) and educating the younger generation in the true akida. This generation will live through trials which it should withstand like the first Muslim generation.

<...> Every believer who does not commit any acts prohibited by Shari'a should be loved, welcomed and helped. Everyone who violates the Law of Allah should be hated and treated with enmity; Jihad should be waged against such people in word and heart, as the case may be, especially against those who seek help from anyone but Allah. This is necessary for the believers to become close to the Most High.

It is known that though the kafir countries (43) are unanimous in their hatred of Islam, their attitude may vary. Depending on this, their methods of combating Islam may vary. Communism is overtly hostile to Islam, oppressing the Muslims and uprooting Islam; Communist parties are active in many Islamic and Arab countries. Under the cover of anti-Islamic theories, Christians carry on the campaign of converting the Muslims into Christianity, to supplant their religion. Judaism should also be mentioned, which is behind all the enemies of Allah and all the destructive doctrines which undermine moral and spiritual values. These are MASONRY, ZIONISM and BABUVISM (44). Agents of international Judaism who infiltrate into Masonic lodges are clever and well-educated thinkers who can adapt to any age and any country or nation. <...>

When the Muslims observe all the pillars of the religions where the highest pillar is Jihad on the path of Allah, Allah will affirm the pillars. Whereas if a person capable of Jihad avoids it, he falls into danger in religious matters. Allah's Messenger (saas) said, "In my Ummah (45), there will always be one community, victorious, upholding the righteous cause, which will fight on" (al-Bukhari).

The Saved Group

The Saved Group is Ahl as-Sunnat wal-Jamaat (46), and they have only one name, the holders of ahadith.


Allah's Messenger (saas) said, "The sons of Israel split in 72 communities; my Ummah will split in 73 communities. They all will go to Fire, except one, which will adhere to what I and my sahabs have adhered" (at-Tirmizi).


The Saved Group does not prefer anyone's word to the words of Allah and His Messenger (saas). Many are people who are deaf to the precepts of Allah and his Messenger (saas), following only their own sheiks, whom they extol


The Saved Group considers monotheism the basis for constructing the true Islamic State. No community may win the battle if it ignores the principle of monotheism and fails to fight against all varieties of polytheism.

The Saved Group restores the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas) in its rites, behavior and all aspects of its life, thereby alienating itself (47) from its kinsmen, as Allah?s Messenger (saas) said of them, "Islam was beginning estranged and will become estranged, as it started. Blessed be the estranged" (hadith in Muslim)


The Saved Group fanatically follows solely the word of Allah and the word of His Messenger (saas) who does not speak in vain or arbitrarily; other people, however high their rank, may err. Imam Malik said, "After and besides the Prophet (saas), there is nobody whose word would be binding upon others."


The Saved Group honors the great mujtahid imams (48) and theologians who have achieved ijtihad(49), but it does not accept their words as absolutely true.The Saved Group orders the approvable and abstains from the disapprovable. Jamaat rejects the invented tarikats, Sufi orders, which bring discord into the Muslim community and introduce bid'ah into the religion, deviating from the Prophet?s Sunnah.


The Saved Group rejects the human laws as contradicting Islam, because they are lawlessness, while the only true law is Allah's Shari'a. Allah knows better what is good for humans. The cause of the mishaps, problems, hardships, disgrace and humiliation of the Muslim world is its deviation from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. The Muslims will not be able to regain their dignity until they, both individuals and communities and governments, take up the study of Islam.

The Saved Group calls all the Muslims for the Holy Jihad for Allah?s cause which is obligatory for every Muslim according to his capacities.


Distinguishing mark of the Saved Group

The Saved Group is a small number of people. Allah?s Messenger (saas) prayed for them, "Blessed be the estranged! They are the righteous! Those who do not obey them are much more than those who do" (trustworthy hadith, according to Ahmad). Allah says of them in the Qur?an, "And very few of My servants are grateful" [Saba, 13](50)


Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech for help!


Allah the Most High put the object "Thee" before the predicates "serve" and "beseech for help" to emphasize the idea of worshipping Him Alone and requesting help from Him only.

This ayat, which is repeated by the Muslim dozens of times in and outside his prayers, is the essence of the surah Al-Fatiha and the entire Qur'an.

The word "service" in this ayat encompasses all forms of worship including prayers, vows, sacrifices of animals, calls, supplications, requests and du'a.


Monotheism, tawhid, is the affirmation of the oneness of Allah in Dominion and worship. At the basis of tawhid is the testimony, "La ilaha ill-Allah," which says that nobody but the only Allah deserves worship.

Alongside prayer (namaz), worship includes:

sacrifice is worship
hope is worship
supplication, call is worship
address, du?a is worship
request of help is worship.


Mushriks (52), who venerate their sheiks and their burial places, in appearance accept the testimony "La ilaha ill-Allah", "There is no deity but Allah", but reject it with their deeds. They pronounce the testimony but then deify others besides Allah, worshipping them with their love, exaltation, fear, hope, supplication, prayer or other forms of worship, while solely Allah the Most High, Holy and Almighty deserves worship.

Most of the Muslims who frequently repeat the phrase "La ilaha ill-Allah" do not understand its meaning, pronouncing it insincerely, according to the custom. Most of their deeds are imitating and following the example, and Allah the Most High said about them in His Book, "Surely we found our fathers on a course, and surely we are followers of their footsteps" [Az-Zukhruf, 23] (53).

Allah's Messenger (saas) said, "Musa said, 'Oh, Lord, teach me something to remember Thee always and to pray Thee always!' Allah said, 'Ya Musa (54), say "There is no deity but Allah!"' Musa exclaimed, `All of Thine servants say this.' Allah said, `Ya Musa, if all the seven heavens with their inhabitants but Me and all the seven lands were put on one scale, and the words "La ilaha ill-Allah" were put on the other, the scale with this words would prove heavier.'"

This hadith says "but Me" meaning that Allah the Most High ascended His Throne, as He says in the Qur'an, "Most Gracious is firmly established on the throne" [Ta-Ha, 5] (55). Allah is above all in Power and Essence.

Hypocrisy and varieties of hypocrisy

The word "nifaq" (hypocrisy) comes from the word "nafaqya" meaning "to pretend". According to Shari'a, "nifaq" is the outward adherence to Islam and good, showed by the people who conceal within themselves non-belief and evil; they are called hypocrites because they enter Shari'a through one door and leave it through another. Allah the Most High says of them, "Surely the hypocrites are the transgressors" [At-Tawba, 67] (56). This means that they are outside Shari'a. Allah says that hypocrites are the worst among the non-believers, "Surely the hypocrites are in the lower region of fire" [An-Nisa, 595] (57), "Surely the hypocrites try to deceive Allah, while in reality He deceives them!" [An-Nisa, 592] (58), and "They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, and they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive. There is a disease in their hearts, so Allah added to their disease and they shall have a painful chastisement because they lie" [Al-Baqara, 9-10] (59).

There are two varieties of hypocrisy. The first variety is hypocrisy in faith (ideological hypocrisy), which is very grave, because the hypocrite shows off his adherence to Islam, while concealing his non-belief. For his repudiation of religion, he is consigned to the lower region of the Hell Fire. Allah ascribes to such hypocrites all the negative qualities like non-belief, mockery of the religion and believers or attacks against Islam in association with the kafirs. Such people exist always, especially when Islam is powerful and they can not resist it openly. They are forced to accept Islam fictitiously to be able to live among Muslims and possess their property safely, while clandestinely devising intrigues against Islam.

The hypocrite apparently confesses Allah, His Angels, Scriptures, Messengers and the Last Day, but in his inner self he considers all them false. He does not believe in Allah and that the Qur'an and other Books of Allah are His word, whereby He shows the humanity the right path, forewarns it of mistakes and instills in it the fear of His power. However, Allah denounced the hypocrites and exposed their secretes in the Holy Qur'an, showing His servants their evil deeds, for the believers to beware them and their doings. In the surah Al-Baqara, He divides all people into three groups, believers, infidels and hypocrites(60). Believers are mentioned in four ayats, infidels in four and hypocrites in thirteen (61), because they are many and they are the source of grief for everyone. Munafiq also bring discord into Islam and spread lie and slander among the Muslims. Surely munafiq do a lot of harm to Islam, because they in appearance belong to Islam and support it, while in reality they are its enemies. They show their hostility to Islam in many forms, taken by the Muslims who are ignorant of their religion for knowledge and reforms, while in reality they are extreme ignorance and corruption.

There are 6 varieties of such hypocrisy:

To lie against Allah's Messenger (saas).

To lie against the Sunnah of the Prophet (saas).

To hate Prophet Mohammed (saas).

To hate the Sunnah of Prophet Mohammed (saas).

To rejoice at the decline of Islam.

Not to wish victory for Islam and Allah's Shari'a.

The second variety of hypocrisy is hypocrisy in deed, when an individual acts hypocritically, though he preserves his faith. It does not sever his ties with Islam but may ultimately lead him to the greater hypocrisy. Such an individual has both Iman (faith) and munfaq (hypocrisy), and if the latter grows he may become hypocrite in the true sense of this word...


The big hypocrisy severs the individual's ties with religion. The big hypocrisy does not come from any believer, while the small hypocrisy may take place. Usually, people who lapse into the big hypocrisy do not repent (tawba); even if they do repent, many think their repentance will not be accepted by Allah, while the repentance of those who lapse into the small hypocrisy will not be rejected.


Sheik-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyya said, "Alims disagree whether their outward repentance (tawba) will be accepted or not; this is not certain, since in appearance they always adhere to Islam" (Collection of Fatwahs (62), in Arab).


Anguished Call to All Muslims, All Leaders and Chiefs of the Islamic World


Our enemies say:

"Islam must be destroyed, because it is the source of the Muslims' force and power. Otherwise, we can not keep them in submission. We fear Islam and we will try our utmost to destroy it before it swallows us!"

Oh, Muslim brothers and leaders and chiefs of the Muslims! Do not resist or oppose Islam! Otherwise, God will unleash His anger upon you! Muslims must and can win solely by means of Islam!


When you look at the history of relations between the West and the Muslim peoples, you see that the European's soul is so overwhelmed with spite and enmity that he is driven to madness. Spite, enmity and fear are what they feel towards Islam.

The words pronounced by the Western leaders show the West's firm and resolute decision to destroy Islam and uproot the Islamic peoples.


We are Muslims, servants of Allah the Almighty and Great. We must shake off our fetters and regain our power and authority! And save the world from the tyranny of the Western kafirs! Allah is omnipotent in His intentions!

* * *


1. Wahhabis attach great importance to the holy war, jihad. Their idea of jihad is described in greater detail further in this publication.

2. This assertion is too categorical. Shirk as polytheism or adding companions to Allah is one of the gravest sins in Islam. Deeds which contradict Islam include, among other things, eating of pork, drinking of alcohol, usury, etc. However, they are violations of divine commandments, not polytheism.

3. The deeds which are mentioned below are not an exhaustive list of offenses against Islam. These are the key items in the polemics which Wahhabis carry on with their opponents among Sufi tarikats and other Muslims.

4. In all probability, the author describes as "Satanic" all legislations (including the laws of Russia) but Shari'a. Almost all the Wahhabi communities in the Northern Caucasus had their courts which exclusively applied the norms of Shari'a (so-called Shari'a courts, mahqama shari'a).

5. Since the Christians and the Jews do not accept the message of Mohammed or the Qur'an as divine revelation, they, in the Wahhabis' opinion, are like non-believers and pagans and do not deserve a special treatment, though they are called "People of the Book" (Ahl al-Kitab in Arab).

6. The Qur'an, 98:6.

7. This is wahdat al-wujud, the doctrine of Ibn `Arabi (1165-1240). According to it, Allah is the only real being, and the created world is just its reflection, meaningless without relation to its source. Any essence is the manifestation of God's attribute or name. However, some Sufis reject it. Ala? ad-Dawla as-Simnani (died 1336), who disagreed with `Arabi, enunciated the doctrine of wahdat ash-shuhud. Its key propositions are the absolutely transcendent nature of God and the unity of witness and contemplation.

8. "Sufi chief" is most probably Ibn `Arabi. His ideas keep on disturbing the zealous proponents of "pure Islam". For example, the Muslim Brothers and associated groups forced the Egyptian authorities to prohibit the publication and dissemination of his books in the early 1970s.

9. Most probably, the immensely popular Sufi al-Hallaj who was executed for his sermons in 922 is meant here. The words "Ana al-Haqq" ("I am God") are ascribed to him.

10. The Qur'an, 39:65.

11. Haram here means sinful and reprehensible deeds.

12. Hereinafter, reference is given only to the author of the cited collection of ahadith (Muslim, al-Bukhari, etc.) It is interesting that despite their hatred of the Sufis in general, the Wahhabis readily use the ahadith given, for example, by at-Tirmizi who developed a theoretical justification for the veneration of awliya' (Sufi saints).

13. The Qur'an, 4:17-18.

14. Iman is faith.

15. Bid'ah is novelty or innovation. Wahhabis often use this term in the polemics against their opponents. In their opinion, Muslims should return to the pristine Islam and abandon the numerous innovations which are not legitimized by either the Qur?an or the Sunnah.

16. The widespread Islamic custom of celebrating the so-called night of creation (leylat al-baraa) is meant. It is believed that on this night from 59 to 15 of the month shaaban Mohammed's prophetic mission was revealed to him. According to the popular belief, on this night the Almighty determines every human's life in the forthcoming year, and it is considered useful to say a special night prayer, besides the usual prayer.

17. Tarawih is a joint prayer consisting of twenty rakats (kneelings), read every night during the fast of ramadan. It was not practiced during the Prophet?s lifetime; the Muslim historians al-Wakidi and Ibn al-Jawzi relate that it was introduced by caliph Omar ibn al-Hattab.

18. Sahabs are the Prophet's associates, from the Arab sahaba and -ashab (plural of ib, partisan).

19. Sufis are the staunchest opponents of Wahhabism; for this reason their ideas and practices are the key object for criticism in this document.

20. The Qur'an, 2:170.

21. Barakat is blessing or benevolence.

22. Many prominent Islamic scholars including Adam Metz discerned the evident Christian influence in the rites of the Prophet's birthday, alongside the influence of Sufi practices. Due to Sufism, mawlid has spread widely among the Muslims, though it has always been disapproved of by the orthodox theologians. The severest critics of mawlid include Ibn Taymiyya, Wahhabis and similar movements.

23. Prior to its wide spreading among the Muslims, the Prophet's Birthday was celebrated in the Shi'it Egypt under the Fatimids.

24. Here the practice of the North Caucasian Sufis is suggested, who believe that rabit or spiritual communication between the disciple and his master is achievable only through the concentration of thoughts around the master's image in picture or otherwise.

25. Azkar is plural of the Arab zikr (commemoration, exaltation of God's name).

26. Al-Fatiha or Opening is the first surah of the Qur'an whose importance may be compared to the Christian Pater Noster. Here and further, interesting ethnographic information is given about the Islam practiced in the Northern Caucasus.

27. Mihraj is the night ascension of Prophet Mohammed.

28. Hijra is the Prophet's immigration from Mecca to Medina in 622 A.D. The beginning of the Muslim era.

29. Umrah is a small pilgrimage, unlike the big pilgrimage (hadj).

30. Jihad is the struggle for faith, which may have various forms; war, the extreme form, is just one of them. However, the Wahhabis believe that jihad is above all the armed struggle.

31. The Qur'an, 25:52.

32. Mujahid is fighter for the faith who wages jihad.

33. The Qur'an, 9:41.

34. The Qur'an, 13:11.

35. The Qur'an, 8:60.

36. This clearly shows the North Caucasian Wahhabis' extremism and explains why armed group are so numerous among them.

37. Insha' Allah: God willing.

38. Awliya' is the plural of wali, saint.

39. The Qur'an, 39:36.

40. The Qur'an, 8:46.

41. The Qur'an, 30:47.

42. Akida is conviction, opinion, credo or symbol of faith; one of the varieties of theological literature.

43. "Kafir countries" are countries ruled by kafirs (infidels).

44. "Babuvism" is most probably Babism, the religious and political doctrine of the Bab (1819-47) who proclaimed himself prophet and preached the new holy scripture Bayan.

45. Ummah is the community of believing Muslims.

46. Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jamaa'ah, people of the Sunnah and community concord, is how the Sunnis call themselves. However, what follows shows that the Wahhabis reserve this name only for themselves.

47. This suggests that the Wahhabis were rejected by the majority of the North Caucasian Muslims, and some of them became estranged even from their own families.

48. Mujtahid is scholar who is authorized to pronounce his own opinion on important theological matters. Among the Sunnis, they are imams, founders of schools of theology and law (mazhabs).

49. Ijtihad is here high authority enjoyed by a theologian in knowledge, interpretation and commenting of theological and legal books.

50. The Qur'an, 34:13.

51. The Qur'an, 1:5.

52. Mushriks or polytheists are Sufis.

53. The Qur'an, 43:23.

54. Ya Musa is "Oh, Musa!" in Arab.

55. The Qur'an, 20:5.

56. The Qur'an, 9:67.

57. The Qur'an, 4:575.

58. The Qur'an, 4:592.

59. The Qur'an, 2:9-10.

60. The Qur'an, 2:2-20.

61. Respectively: The Qur'an, 2:2-5; The Qur'an, 2:6-7; The Qur'an, 2:8-20.

62. Fatwah (fetwah) is the theological and legal opinion explaining the meaning and application of Shari'a provisions or explicating precedents from Shari'a positions.

63. Extracts from this chapter clearly show that the Wahhabis resolutely reject the Western values. They see in them the greatest evil for the Islamic world and in their proponents, the most consistent enemies of Islam against whom armed struggle should be led.

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Author: Ahmet Aminovich Yarlykapov

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