22 September 2019, 11:07

Makhachkala Imam reports law enforcers' threats to believers

Law enforcers summon parishioners of the "Tangim" mosque and threaten to put them on the so-called "prophylactic registration", Nigmatula Radjabov, the mosque Imam, has stated. The official reasons for the raids on the mosque are not related to the religion, but only the "Tangim" receive such threats, Idris Yusupov, a journalist, has confirmed.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that law enforcers conduct their regular raids in the vicinity of the "Tangim" mosque. The raid on September 13 passed without detentions.

On September 20, law enforcers did not detain believers, but recorded license plate numbers of those who arrived for the Friday namaz (prayer) in their cars, said Imam Radjabov. "At police, believers are told if they come to this mosque once more, they will be put on the "prophylactic account", the Imam has added, noting that law enforcers fail to explain the reasons for their actions.

One of the believers said that he had already been summoned to the police after visiting the mosque, and expressed his dissatisfaction with law enforcers' actions.

Another believer said that dozens of law enforcers took part in the raid.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on September 21, 2019 at 08:02 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Gor Alexanyan Source: CK correspondent

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