22 May 2006, 14:03

Memory Day of Adygeis perished during the Russian-Caucasian war marked in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria

Two meetings were held on May 21 in Nalchik, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, in front of the memorial to the victims of the Russian-Caucasian war. The first meeting was opened by Mohammed Khafitse, head of the national public organization "Adyghe Khase," editor of the "Adyghe Psaliye" ("Adygeian word") newspaper in the Kabardin language. In particular, he said that "no capturing of new territories can be done without a war, and the tsarist Russia has not been an exception. However, later on Russia has done a lot for the cultural and economic development of the Adygei nations and they are grateful to it."

Members of the government, deputies of the parliament of Kabardino-Balkaria and other officials placed baskets with flowers to the memorial to the victims of the Russian-Caucasian war. A musical and literary composition devoted to the mournful date was played.

After representatives of authorities left the meeting, Yuri Shanibov, assistant professor of the KBSU, took the floor. He said that another war was being waged against Caucasus. Islam was made its cause. In the opinion of Yuri Shanibov, the Moslems killed on October 13 last year were not guilty of anything. They were just praying, they objected to drinking and drug abuse which had become a national problem. However, they started to be persecuted and were forced to take the arms in order to annihilate them. Some plain-clothed people tried to take the microphone away from Shanibov but people stood up for him.

The representatives of the opposition of Kabardino-Balkaria who took the floor called for "kicking out prosecutors and other drones" who not only fail to supervise the observance of the law but violate it themselves, for creating a new Adygei national khasa, and spoke about social and moral crisis in the Kabardin villages, etc.

Author: Lyudmila Maratova, CK correspondent

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