A counterterrorist operation (CTO) conducted in the village of Voznesenskoye on August 7, 2019. Photo by the press service of the Russian National Antiterrorist Committee (NAC) http://nac.gov.ru/kontrterroristicheskie-operacii/v-hode-kto-v-ingushetii-neytralizovan-bandit.html

07 August 2019, 23:51

NAC treats the man killed in Ingushetia as terrorist recruiter

The man, killed today during the CTO in the Malgobek District, was looking for supporters to prepare a terror act and leave for Syria to join militants, the Russian National Antiterrorist Committee (NAC) has informed.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that today, during a counterterrorist operation (CTO) conducted in the village of Voznesenskoye, law enforcers blocked a militant, who refused to surrender, and was killed.

At the scene of the shootout, law enforcers found an improvised explosive device (IED), grenades, automatic firearms and ammunition, the NAC has stated.

According to the NAC, the casualty recruited residents of Ingushetia aiming to create a terrorist cell and carry out a terror act, and then to leave for Syria and fight on the side of militants there.

The today's CTO was the first in Ingushetia since January. The shootout in the CTO zone is the second armed incident in the republic since the start of the year.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on August 7, 2019 at 12:04 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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