02 October 2006, 23:30

Political crisis ripens in Adygea

A resonant murder of Kudaev, head of the Krasnogvardeiskiy District; gathering signatures for the appeal of the "Union of Adygea Slavs" to the Russian president demanding to join Adygea to the Krasnodar region; appeals of the "Circassian Congress" to international organizations and Russian president on the necessity to preserve the status of the republic; another, number six already, replacement of the head of the government of the Republic of Adygea; appeals of the republic's CPRF (Communist Party of Russian Federation) branch to Putin and Kozak with a demand not to let the second term in office of president Sovmen; arrival of the authorized representative of the RF president for the South Federal District (SFD) to hold consultations on potential nominees to the position of Adygea president - these are the features of the political situation, present today in Adygea on the eve of presidential election in the republic.

We remind you that the presidential election in Adygea was scheduled for February 2007. Murat Kudaev, who was shot dead on September 25, was the leader on the list of the persons capable to replace Khazret Sovmen in the post of the president of Adygea. Mr. Sovmen himself confirmed it more than once. The Regnum Information Agency (IA) quotes this information with a reference to Amin Zekhov, member of the Adygea "Adyge Hase" Council for relations with NGOs of the Caucasian region. According to the IA, under the pretext of secrecy of investigation, the Adygea Prosecution Office refused to give any comments on the murder of the head of the Krasnogvardeiskiy District.

Note that the forthcoming election of the head of the republic is directly connected with the republic's status issue. The current president is firmly adhering to the principle of keeping the status of Adygea, while his basic opposition advocated the accession of Adygea to the Krasnodar region.

Whether Sovmen will nominate himself for the new term or give place to the opposition will most probably become clear after the meeting of Putin and Sovmen in Sochi at the "Kuban-2006" Fifth International Economic Forum, and after the visit of Dmitri Kozak, Authorized Representative of RF president for the SFD, to Adygea.

We remind you that the political crisis in Adygea unfolded at the background of another crisis in the Caucasus - the escalating conflict in relations of Georgia with Russia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Murat Berzegov, Chairman of the Public Movement "Circassian Congress," expressed his concern when talking to the correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" that Adygea may be involved into the area of this conflict, should it run high further. The today's situation in the region may play its kindling role in the process. "The seeming at the first sight tranquillity in the country may grow deceiving and crush down in a moment," Murat Berzegov said.

See earlier reports: "Political situation in Adygea was discussed in White House in Washington."

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