In the gym at Beslan school No. 1 during the collective grieving. Photo by Emma Marzoeva for the "Caucasian Knot"

09 November 2016, 16:57

"Beslan Mothers" announce creation of counter-terrorist centre

Aneta Gadieva, a co-chair of the "Beslan Mothers" Committee, has announced plans to create an international counter-terrorist centre in the territory of the destroyed School No. 1 in Beslan.

The "Beslan Mothers" Committee was set up on February 25, 2005; it unites relatives of those killed in the terror act in Beslan.

According to Gadieva, the timeline of creating the centre is unknown yet. It will have a museum-archive, which "will present objects associated with the Beslan terror act." Also, the centre "will consult on issues related to terror acts."

Let us remind you that the rights of victims of the terror act in Beslan are also protected by the organization "Voice of Beslan", which separated from the "Beslan Mothers" in September 2005 and was registered in January 2006. On September 1, policemen detained, with the use of force, six activists of the "Voice of Beslan". The court awarded them with fines and public works. All their complaints were rejected.

The terror act killed 334 people; 810 others were wounded.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.


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