Olympic Rings, Sochi, http://www.sochi2014.com/

16 January 2014, 19:15

Olympic Games in Sochi: Contacts for the Media

The 2014 Winter Olympic Games and the city of Sochi are more and more often an object of attention of Russian and foreign mass media. Journalists try to get information about what happens in the city not only from official sources, but also from civil society activists. In order to help our Russian and foreign colleagues, the editorial board of the "Caucasian Knot" hereby presents a brief directory with contact data of independent Sochi activists, lawyers, ecologists and politicians, who are ready to communicate with media people. The directory also provides contacts of the city and territorial officials and power bodies.


  • Public and political organizations and activists

  • Organizations and agencies in charge of preparing and holding the 2014 Winter Olympic Games

  • Officials and power bodies of Sochi

  • Officials and power bodies of the Krasnodar Territory

  • Krasnodar territorial departments of the federal bodies of power


Public and political organizations and activists


Vasiliev, Igor, Chairman of the Self-Government Partnership (TOS) "Kudepsta", Khosta District of Sochi, and the leader of the Sochi Branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF)

Tel.: +7-918-402-44-47

Dzaganiya, Yuri, a member of the Bureau of the Sochi Branch of the CPRF

Tel.: +7-918-309-55-68

Kalinovskaya, Natalia, the Chair of the TOS "Psou", Adler District of Sochi, Assistant to Sergey Obukhov, a State Duma MP from the CPRF

Tel.: +7-988-238-71-27

Kimaev, Vladimir, the leader of the Sochi Branch of the "Yabloko" Party

Tel.: +7-918-440-22-57

Suchkov, Valery, a member of the City Planning Council of Sochi

Tel.: +7-953-077-09-91

Khakim, David (Khakim, Akhmad Djavid Abdullovich), the coordinator of the Party "People's Alliance" for the Krasnodar Territory

Tel.: +7-962-887-32-94;

Shikarev, Roman, the leader of the Public Movement "Zakon I Poryadok" (Law and Order)

Tel.: +7-918-916-25-67



Simonov, Semyon, the coordinator of the reception office of the Network "Migration and Law" under the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial"

Tel.: +7-918-001-60-18;

Popkov, Alexander, a lawyer who cooperates with the human rights organizations "Agora" and "Memorial"

Tel. is provided on demand



Noskovets, Olga, Deputy Chair of the Sochi Branch of the Faction "Green Russia" of the "Yabloko" Party, a member of the Ecological Watch for Northern Caucasus

Tel.: +7-918-409-69-27



Russian Geographical Society, Sochi Branch – a public and scientific organization

Website: geo.opensochi.org

City Planning Council of City Resort Sochi – a public organization of professional architects

Website: gradsovet-sochi.ru


Organizations and agencies in charge of preparing and holding the 2014 Winter Olympic Games


State Corporation (SC) "Olympstroy"

The Corporation performs administrative functions and coordinates the design and construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi; organizes the operation of the facilities, conducts open tenders; tracks the progress of construction of Olympic facilities and all the actions related thereto.

Head: Gaplikov, Sergey Anatolievich

Telephone of the press centre: +7-862-2-43-40-47

Website: http://www.sc-os.ru/


Department of the Krasnodar Territory to implement the powers of preparing the 2014 Winter Olympic Games

The Department is in charge of coordinating with the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory of the documentation on planning the territory of Sochi for placing the Olympic facilities, prepared by the SC "Olympstroy".

The main tasks of the Department are to ensure the implementation of the powers of the Krasnodar Territory and the powers of the Russian Federation, passed over to the Krasnodar Territory, for the preparation of the 22nd Winter Olympic Games and the 11th Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi, and development of the city of Sochi as a mountain-climate resort, including the participation in implementation and protection of property rights and legitimate interests of the Russian Federation and the Krasnodar Territory.

Head of Department: Sheyan, Alexei Nikolaevich

Tel.: +7-862-2-41-81-80, +7-862-2-41-81-95

Website: www.olympdep.ru


Olympic Council of the Krasnodar Territory

In total, Russia has 75 Olympic Councils. They are regional public organizations and associations

aimed to help to promote the Olympic Movement; they are members of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC).

Chairperson: Karavaeva, Irina Vladimirovna

Tel.: (861) 253-39-41

E-mail: dfks@krasnodar.ru, orgsport@mail.ru


Autonomous Non-commercial Organization (ANO) "Organizing Committee Sochi-2014"

The Organizing Committee is a "one-window" service, established under the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation for the provision of services to employers, candidates and suppliers of the cadre services in the period of preparing and holding the 22nd Winter Olympic and the 11th Paralympic Games of 2014, as well as during the post-Olympic period. September 17, 2011, was the official opening date of the Olympic Career Centre.

President: Chernyshenko, Dmitry Nikolaevich

Tel. (in Moscow): + 7 (495) 984 2014

Tel. (in Sochi): +7 (8622) 62 32 00

Website: http://www.sochi2014.com


ANO "Transport Directorate of Olympic Games"

The Directorate was established under the Resolution of the Russian Federal Government in 2009 to perform the functions of organizing passenger and freight transportation. The ANO controls the designing and construction of the transport infrastructure objects; it is responsible for the process of delivering material resources and transportation of passengers in the period of preparing and holding the 22nd Winter Olympic Games and the 11th Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi.

Director General: Zhukov, Andrei Victorovich

Tel.: +7 (862) 227-20-14

Website: www.tdog2014.com


Officials and power bodies of Sochi


Administration of the City of Sochi

The competence of the City Administration covers over fifty local issues of the city district, as assumed by the Federal Law of 06.10.2003 No. 131-FZ "On General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation". The jurisdiction of the City Administration covers the issues related to drafting, approval and implementation of the budget of Sochi; fixing the local taxes; managing the municipal property; organization of supplying electricity, heat, gas, water and firewood to the population; maintenance of the road network and traffic security; providing housing to low-income citizens; construction and maintenance of municipal housing; running the municipal housing control; and organization of the transport servicing of the population of Sochi.

Mayor (head) of the city of Sochi: Pakhomov, Anatoly Nikolaevich

Mob. tel.: +7-928-201-11-15

Tel. of Reception Office: +7-862-2-96-05-01

Pshenisnova, Tatiana, the head of the press service of the Mayor of Sochi:

Tel.: +7 862 264-65-71, +7 862 264-25-49

Tel. of the Administration: +7 862 266-06-06

E-mail: gorod@sochiadm.ru

Website: www.sochiadm.ru


Sochi City Assembly

The exclusive competence of the Sochi City Assembly (Charter of the Resort City of Sochi, Article 27) covers the following: adoption and amendment of the Charter of Sochi; approval of the city budget; appointment of local taxes; adoption of plans and programmes for the development of the city of Sochi; and deciding on the order of managing the municipal property.

The sessions of the Sochi City Assembly consider the issues of appointing public hearings and citizens' polls; making decisions related to changing the boundaries and transformation of the city of Sochi; definition of the procedure for implementing the law-making initiatives of citizens of the city of Sochi; the order of organization and implementation of the territorial public self-government; and many other issues.

Chairperson of the Sochi City Assembly: Lutsyk, Anatoly Nikolaevich

Reception tel.: +7 862 64-59-60

Reception fax: +7 862 64-59-70

Website: http://www.gs-sochi.ru/




Administration of the Tsentralny District

Head: Pavlenko, Sergey Vladimirovich

Tel.: 8 (862) 264-88-66

Administration of the Adler District

Head: Zhigalko, Alexander Alexandrovich

Tel.: 8 (862) 240-05-87

Administration of the Khosta District

Acting Head: Einatov, Temur Nodarovich

Tel.: 8 (862) 266-86-55

Administration of the Lazarevsky District

Head: Polyanskiy, Sergey Alexandrovich

Tel.: 8 (862) 272-61-37



According to Article 34 of the Federal Constitutional Law "On Courts of General Jurisdiction", district courts are considering all the criminal, civil and administrative cases as courts of the first instance, except for the cases referred by federal laws to jurisdiction of other courts, namely, the cases of administrative offenses, appeal complaints, presentations on decisions of magistrate judges, acting in the territory of the respective judicial precinct, and case on new or newly discovered circumstances.


Adler District Court

Chairperson: Mamchenko, Igor Eduardovich

Tel.: +7-862-2-46-00-71

Website: sochi-adler.krd.sudrf.ru

Lazarevsky District Court

Chairperson: Trukhan, Nikolai Ivanovich

Tel.: +7-862-2-72-35-56,

Website: sochi-lazarevsky.krd.sudrf.ru

Khosta District Court

Chairperson: Bakhmetiev, Vladimir Nikolaevich

Tel.: +7-862-2-66-86-65

Website: sochi-xostinsky.krd.sudrf.ru

Tsentralny District Court

Chairperson: Lavrik, Anatoly Vasilievich

Tel.: +7-862-2-62-13-23

Website: sochi-centralny.krd.sudrf.ru




Department of Internal Affairs (UVD) of Sochi

It is in charge of the tasks of combating the crime, protection of public order and public safety, and protection of legitimate rights and interests of residents and visitors of the region.

Head of the UVD: Umnov, Vasily Petrovich

Tel. of the press service: +7-862-2-69-71-90, +7-862-2-69-71-91

Website: http://suvd.ru/


Temporary press center of the Department of Internal Affairs (UVD) of Sochi

Head of the UVD: Lastovetsky, Mark Ivanovich

Tel.: +7-862-2-69-23-30


Sochi City Prosecutor's Office

The main function of the Prosecutor's Office is to supervise the execution of the laws of the Russian Federation. The Prosecutor's Office operates under the Federal Law "On Prosecutor's Office".

City Public Prosecutor: Bolshedvorskiy, Mark Anatolievich

Tel.: +7-862-2-62-45-45, +7-862-2-62-32-64


Investigating Division for the City of Sochi

In accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Law "On the Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation", the Chairperson of the Investigating Committee of the Russian Federation (ICRF) is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation without the approval of the legislature, as it had been earlier. The Chairperson of the ICRF is reporting annually to the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the state policy in the established sphere of activities, the status of the investigative activities, and the work done to improve its efficiency.

The ICRF is outside any structure of any state authority, or any branch of power.

Head of the Sochi Division: Terentiev, Vladimir Nikolaevich

Tel.: +7-862-2-64-21-27


Officials and authorities of the Krasnodar Territory


Head of the Administration (Governor) of the Krasnodar Territory

The Head of the Administration is the top official of the Krasnodar Territory; he heads the executive branch of power; forms the Territorial Administration in accordance with the structure of the state executive bodies as approved by the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory.

Governor: Tkachov, Alexander Nikolaevich

Tel.: (861) 262-57-16, 268-45-38

Fax: (861) 268-35-42

E-mail: post@krasnodar.ru


Administration of the Krasnodar Territory

Tel. of the press service: (861) 253-41-36, 253-24-58

E-mail: pressa93@gmail.com

Website: http://admkrai.krasnodar.ru/


Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory

The Legislative Assembly of the Krasnodar Territory is a permanently operating representative and legislative body of the territorial power. The Assembly drafts and adopts the laws that make the basis of democracy and guarantees of the rights and freedoms of the population of the Territory.

Chairperson: Beketov, Vladimir Andreevich

Tel.: (861) 268-00-51

Fax: (861) 268-13-32

Website: http://www.kubzsk.ru/


Election Commission of the Krasnodar Territory

Chairperson: Burlachko, Yu. A.

Tel.: (861) 268-29-16

Fax: (861) 268-26-38

E-mail: iksrf23@mail.ru

Website: http://www.krasnodar.izbirkom.ru/




Permanent Mission of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory at the Government of the Russian Federation

It was formed to ensure the interoperability of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory with the Government of the Russian Federation and other federal bodies of state power, and to establishment and develop business relations with the diplomatic, trade and cultural representative offices and missions of foreign countries, and international governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Head of the Mission: Tonkikh, Vera Nikolaevna

Tel./fax: +7 (499) 238-20-28

E-mail: pr_admin05@mail.ru

Website: http://www.kubanrep.ru/


State Housing Inspectorate of the Krasnodar Territory

The main tasks of the Inspectorate are to ensure protection of the rights and lawful interests of citizens when providing them with housing and communal services.

Head of the Inspectorate: Stepanidenko, Alexei Vasilievich

Tel.: (861) 259-44-03

Е-mail: gzhi@krasnodar.ru

Website: http://www.gzhi-kuban.ru/


Department of Housing and Utilities of the Krasnodar Territory

The Department acts on the basis of the Resolution of the Head of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory of April 27, 2007, No. 390, which adopted the "Regulations on the Department of Housing and Utilities of the Krasnodar Territory". The main function is the implementation of the state policy in the sphere of housing and communal services in the Krasnodar Territory.

Head of Department: Voloshin, Alexander Mikhailovich

Tel.: (861) 259 09-31

Fax: (861) 259-40-72

E-mail: dgkh@krasnodar.ru

Website: www.gkh-kuban.ru


Department of Property Relations of the Krasnodar Territory

The main tasks of the Department are the development, formation and pursuing the unified state policy in the area of property and land relations in the Krasnodar Territory.

Head: Kondratiev, Veniamin Ivanovich

Tel.: 8 (861) 268-24-08

Fax: 8 (861) 267-11-75

E-mail: diok@diok.ru, dio@krasnodar.ru

Website: http://www.diok.ru/


Department of the Krasnodar Territory to implement the powers of preparing the 2014 Winter Olympic Games (see here)


Department of Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory

The main tasks of the department are to create the conditions, develop and implement the measures of state youth policy in the Krasnodar Territory.

Head of Department: Kalashnik, Elena Alexandrovna

Tel. (861) 253-51-43

Fax (861) 253-13-94

Website: http://www.dmpkk.ru/


Department of Print and Mass Communications of the Krasnodar Territory

The main tasks of the Department are to cover and popularize the activities related to the competence of the executive authorities of the Krasnodar Territory.

Head of Department: Gorokhova, Olga Egorovna

Tel./fax: 214-51-50, 253-23-43

E-mail: dsmi@krasnodar.ru

Website: www.depsmi.ru


Department of consumer sphere of the Krasnodar Territory

The main tasks of the Department are to promote the entrepreneurship and competition, and to create conditions for attracting investments into the subordinated sphere.

Head of Department: Pugachova, Svetlana Rudolfovna

Tel./fax: 8 (861) 268-30-48

E-mail: dps@krasnodar.ru

Website: www.dps-kk.ru


Department of Transports of the Krasnodar Territory

The Department is an executive body of the Krasnodar Territory in charge of implementing the state policies for sustainable and integrated functioning and complex development of the transportation complex, organization of road traffic in terms of organizational and legal measures for traffic management in road transport; it is a specially authorized body in the field of transport public services on the inter-municipal routes of regular communication, which are located within the Krasnodar Territory; a specially authorized state authority of the Krasnodar Territory in the field of transport servicing of the population; and a specially authorized executive body of the Krasnodar Territory in organizing tourist and excursion travels; and in organizing suburban railway transport services.

Head of Department: Orkopulo, Anastas Petrovich

Tel.: (861) 268-47-57

Fax: (861) 268-62-80

E-mail: dtc@krasnodar.ru

Website: http://www.tskk.ru/


Ministry of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Regional Security of the Krasnodar Territory

The function of the Ministry to protect the population and the territory from natural and man-made disasters is one of the most important state policy objectives of the Krasnodar Territory in the security and sustainable development of the region. Implementing the policies is the mission of the Ministry.

Minister: Glebov, Boris Timofeevich

Tel./fax: +7 (861) 262-52-37, +7 (861) 262-00-69

E-mail: dchs@krasnodar.ru

Website: http://www.dchs.ru/


Ministry of Public Health of the Krasnodar Territory

The Ministry implements the state policy in the field of public health care in the Krasnodar Territory, protects the rights of consumers of health services and implements measures to improve the quality of health care.

Minister: Filippov, Evgeny Fyodorovich

Tel.: (861) 992-52-91

E-mail: mz@krasnodar.ru

Website: http://www.minzdravkk.ru/


Ministry of Physical Culture and Sports of the Krasnodar Territory

The Ministry is an executive body of the Krasnodar Territory, authorized to carry out the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports in the region.

Minister: Chernova, Lyudmila

Tel.: (861) 992-27-47 (Reception), (861) 992-27-61 (Press Service)

E-mail: dfks@krasnodar.ru

Website: http://www.kubansport.ru/


Ministry of Culture of the Krasnodar Territory

The main functions of the Ministry are to pursue the state policy in the field of culture. In accordance with the Regulations approved by the Head of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory of 28.06.2012, No. 747, the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnodar Territory is an executive body of the Krasnodar Territory, carrying out, within its competence, the state policy in the field of culture, arts and cinematography of the Krasnodar Territory.

Minister: Solyanina, Galina

Fax: (861) 992-60-18

E-mail: mk@krasnodar.ru

Website: http://kultura.kubangov.ru/


Ministry of Resorts and Tourism of the Krasnodar Territory

The objectives of the Ministry are as follows: to ensure the implementation of the federal and territorial legislation in the sphere of tourism and resorts; develop, within its competence, proposals on further progress of the resort and tourism industry that satisfies the needs of citizens of sanatorium rehabilitation, recreation and tourism; create of new job; develop international contacts; rational use of historical and cultural heritage of the region, as well as of the scientific, technical and educational potentials in the sphere of tourism and resorts.

Minister: Kudelya, Evgeny Vladimirovich

Tel/fax: 8 (861) 267-25-34

Website: http://www.kurortkuban.ru

E-mail: kurort@kurortkuban.ru


Ministry of Natural Resources of the Krasnodar Territory

The missions of the Ministry are as follows: to facilitate the executive bodies of the Krasnodar Territory in organizing and implementing the and inter-municipal programmes and projects in the field of environmental protection and ecological safety; assist in improving the environmental situation in the Krasnodar Territory; ensure the creation of conditions for the development and implementation of systems of natural resource management; implement the measures for the protection and reproduction of wildlife and its habitats; enforce the activities related to running the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory; and preserve the genetic fund of sturgeon fishes enlisted in the Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory.

Minister: Chebanov, Mikhail Stepanovich

Tel.: +7 (861) 259-12-09, fax: +7 (861) 259-13-44

Website: http://www.kubanbioresursi.ru/


Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Roads of the Krasnodar Territory

The Ministry performs the functions of forming the regional policy in the sphere of construction, architecture, urban planning and traffic management, and normative and legal regulation in the sphere of construction, architecture, urban planning and traffic management.

Minister: Zhukov, Valery Alexeevich

Tel.: (861) 992-50-61, (861) 992-50-62, (861) 992-50-63

Fax: (861) 992-50-64

E-mail: minstroy@krasnodar.ru

Website: www.minstroy-kuban.ru


Department for State Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Krasnodar Territory

The task of the Department is to protection the territorial-important cultural heritage monuments.

Acting Head of Department: Poltavets, Galina Nikolaevna

E-mail: uorn@krasnodar.ru

Website: uorn.krasnodar.ru


Department for State Construction Supervision of the Krasnodar Territory

The Department is an executive body of the Krasnodar Territory, authorized to exercise the regional state supervision over the construction and reconstruction of capital objects.

Head of Department: Zakharutin, Vladimir Grigorievich

Tel./fax for references: (861) 255-35-08

Website: http://www.ugsnkk.ru/


Department for Communications and Informatization of the Krasnodar Territory

The main tasks of the Department are to implement the state policy in the field of communications, and to enforce the regional policy in the sphere of informatization, information and communication technologies in the provision of public services.

Acting Head of Department: Komarov, Ilya Vladimirovich

Tel.: (861) 267-96-97

Fax: (861) 267-94-56

E-mail: uis@krasnodar.ru

Website: http://uic.krasnodar.ru/


Territorial bodies of federal authorities in the Krasnodar Territory


Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia in Krasnodar

Head: Manko, Sergey Anatolievich

Tel./fax (861) 253-73-77, 253-73-85

E-mail: mid@mail.kuban.ru

Website: http://www.krasnodar.mid.ru/


Department of the GIBDD (Traffic Police) of the Chief Department of the Russia's Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) for the Krasnodar Territory

The main task is to implement actions related to road safety.

Head: Police Colonel Kapustin, Alexander Nikolaevich

Tel.: (861) 233-59-97, (861) 233-82-59 (on duty unit)

Website: http://www.gibdd.ru/r/23/news/


Chief Directorate of the Russia's Ministry for Emergencies (MfE) for the Krasnodar Territory

Head: Kazlikin, Alexander Grirorievich

Tel.: (861) 262-20-09 (Reception), (861) 262-34-46 (Press Service)

Website: http://www.23.mchs.gov.ru/


Chief Department of the Federal Service of Court Marshals for the Krasnodar Territory

The functions are to enforce the judicial acts.

Head: Beloshapka, Valery Nikolaevich

Tel.: (861) 277-54-53

E-mail: press@r23.fssprus.ru

Website: http://r23.fssprus.ru/


Chief Department of Russia's MIA for the Krasnodar Territory

The task is to protect the public order and the rule of law.

Head: Vinevskiy, Vladimir Nikolaevich

Tel.: 8 (861) 259-79-79 (for references) 259-50-45, 224-16-72 (on duty unit)

E-mail: kuban-police@mail.ru

Website: http://23.mvd.ru/


Prosecutor's Office of the Krasnodar Territory

The functions are to supervise the enforcement of laws in the Krasnodar Territory

Public Prosecutor: Korzhinek, Leonid

Tel.: 8 (861) 268-25-63, 268-50-01, 268-50-75

Website: http://www.prokuratura-krasnodar.ru/


Krasnodar Regional Court

It performs the functions of the judicial branch of the territorial significance.

Chairperson: Chernov, Alexander Dmitrievich

Tel.: (861) 212-00-95, 212-00-96, 212-00-97

Fax: (861) 268-31-50

E-mail: kubansud@kubansud.ru

Website: http://www.kubansud.ru/


Arbitration Court of the Krasnodar Territory

Chairperson: Belov, Vladimir Alexandrovich

Tel.: (861) 268-46-00, (861) 268-01-45, (861) 268-35-26

Fax: (861) 268-57-17

E-mail: info@krasnodar.arbitr.ru

Website: http://krasnodar.arbitr.ru/


Ombudsman for the Krasnodar Territory

The institute of the Ombudsman is a state body in charge of promoting the observance and protection of human rights. The main functions of the Ombudsman are to receive citizens' complaints about violations of their rights and freedoms by action (or inaction) of governmental officials and agencies, consider them and make conclusions, which are of recommendation nature.

Ombudsman: Myshak, Sergey Valentinovich

Tel.: (861) 268-28-61, 268-09-45

E-mail: ombudsman@kubanombudsman.org

Website: http://kubanombudsman.org


Department for the Federal Migration Service (FMS) of the Krasnodar Territory

The activities of the FMS are aimed at ensuring the state and economic security of the Russian Federation in the Krasnodar Territory.

Head of Department: Semenyakin, I. A.

Tel.: 8 (861) 255-69-30

Website: http://www.ufmskrn.ru/


Department of the Federal Service of the "Rospotrebnadzor" (Federal Agency for Consumer Supervision) for the Krasnodar Territory

The Department is in charge of implementing control and supervision in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, consumer protection and consumer market.

Head of Department: Klindukhov, Valery Pavlovich

Tel.: +7 (861) 259-36-86

Tel. of the press service: +7 (861) 255-11-37

E-mail: upravlenie@kubanrpn.ru

Website: http://23.rospotrebnadzor.ru/


Department of the Federal Service for Supervising the Sphere of Mass Communications and Information Technologies for the Krasnodar Territory

The Department is in charge of supervising and controlling the sphere of mass media.

Head of Department: Kuzenkov, Sergey Nikolaevich

Tel.: (861) 233-37-14

Fax: (861) 239-31-36

E-mail: rsoc23@rsoc.ru

Website: http://23.rkn.gov.ru/


Sochi Territorial Division, tel.: (862) 262-31-6

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