20 November 2012, 23:00

In Georgia, students hold action to support Palestine

Today, Tbilisi hosted a rally in support of Palestine and against the military operation in the Gaza Strip. The event was attended by about 25 students.

The action took place near the Israeli Embassy, and the participants of the rally coordinate their actions through the social network "Facebook".

The event was held under the slogans: "Free Palestine", "Freedom to Hamas", and "System must be destroyed". No incidents during the event were recorded.

David Lagidze, one of the organizers of the rally, a student of the State University named after Ilya Chavchavadze, spoke of the aims of the held rally.

"We came to support Palestine, in particular, the Gaza Strip. Since namely the Gaza Strip is subjected to bombing. And, as far as I know from the news, today, they are again going to bomb the entire Gaza Strip. I believe that Israel oppresses and persecutes Arab population in its territory. And we are against the deaths of children and civilians. Since Israel is bombing namely civilian targets," David Lagidze stated.

The participants of the rally were holding in their hands leaflets with the words in Arabic. "This is the slogan of the entire 'Arab Spring', starting from Egypt, Syria, and Libya. And it is pronounced as follows:" We want the system to be destroyed today," David Lagidze said.

Gvantza Khvedelidze, a student of the Tbilisi State University, believes that civilian population in Palestine needs to be protected.

"For me, there is no difference in political views and loyalty to a particular country. For me, peace and absence of violence against civilian population are important. And for me, it is unacceptable that international organizations, like the UN, which should protect human rights, keep silence now," Gvantza Khvedelidze has noted.

Author: Edita Badasyan Source: CK correspondent

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