30 March 2006, 18:47

The Council of Europe calls for informing it about facts of oppression of Russian NGOs

In March 24-26, the Warsaw Regional Congress of Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) of the Council of Europe (CE) states was held on the issues of involving civil society into democratic construction. Andrei Ozharovskiy, expert of the Russian public organization "Ekozaschita!" (Ecology Protection), who took part in the congress told about it to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

The congress was attended by more than 150 representatives of non-government organizations (NGOs) from different countries of the world, most of them from Poland, Belarus and Ukraine. The small delegation from Russia was represented by activists of "Ekozaschita!" Moscow Helsinki Group, "Tsunami" and Centre for Support of Public Initiatives, organizations from Kaliningrad. Officials from the Council of Europe attended it, in particular, Jean-Louis Laurence, director general, CE Department of Political Affairs.

A year ago, a summit of the Council of Europe was held in Warsaw where it was decided to develop cooperation with NGOs. The first NGO congress was held within the framework of implementing this decision. It is quite possible that similar events will be held in regions, including Russia and adjoining states, relates Ozharovskiy.

The Congress included 12 sessions during which the participants presented their views on the NGO activity and their relationships with the governments. There were working groups on specific issues. Much attention was paid to Belarus, although we were not forgotten either – I had an opportunity to make an official presentation on the situation of NGOs in Russia and, as a result of my presentation, a resolution was adopted in which the participants call on the Russian Federation government to respect non-government organizations and avoid using the recently adopted law on NGOs for hampering the development of the "third sector."

"We declare that the right to free association belongs to fundamental human rights. We remind the governments of the member countries of the Council of Europe and the government of Russia that respect of this right forms the basis for membership of the country in such international organizations as the Council of Europe and G8," runs the resolution of the Congress participants.

"I have stated that the prerequisites for limiting the activity of NGOs in Russia are not the only problem. Further problems are in that the government pursues a regular policy aimed at spoiling the image of public organizations: what happens with the "spy scandal," with the coverage of NGO activity on the federal TV channels. The government invariably tries to expose NGOs, to claim that they are somehow either thievish or spies. Undoubtedly, this is not by chance. I do not like this situation and I tried to draw the attention of my East European colleagues to it," says the ecologist and human rights activist.

"Representatives of the Council of Europe promised to collect specific facts on the situations when public associations are oppressed as a result of application of the Russian law on NGOs. For instance, if they close a public organization, refuse to register a new NGO, or if the government hampers the activity of an organization. All such facts are going to be analyzed and, at a separate meeting of the working group in January 2007, an analysis of the practical application of the law is likely to be presented. From my part, I have asked them to involve Russian experts for such analysis," relates Andrei Ozharovskiy.

On behalf of the "Ekozaschita!" group, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent interlocutor promised to collect information on oppression of NGOs in Russia and, if necessary, to translate relevant materials into English for submitting to CE. Such materials must be sent to his e-mail address: idc.moscow@gmail.com, or directly to the Council of Europe, but in English or French.

"One can assess the congress results as useful because the Council of Europe has started monitoring the observance of the rights of public associations. If this channel works, if information to the Council of Europe starts coming from the Caucasus and Central Asia, this may somehow help NGOs. Secondly, one should keep in mind the fact of a political demonstration that a new supervisory agency of the Council of Europe has been created on the rights of Russian non-government organizations and that the Council of Europe considers it one of the problems. It is a sign for Russia not to use the law on NGOs for oppressing NGOs," assumes the "Ekozaschita!" activist.

For reference, the adoption of a new Russian law on NGOs caused mass public indignation: the petition against the law has been signed by more than 1000 Russian public organizations, while during the first reading of the draft law in the State Duma; militia used force to suppress a peaceful picket. As a result, the participants in the event spent about 80 hours in the custody upon the decision of a court.

Note that the Council on Human Rights under the Russian President is also concerned with the situation of NGOs. As Yaroslav Kuzminov, President of the Higher School of Economy, has said in his interview to the "Gazeta.Ru," a sitting of the Council on Human Rights under the President has taken place today. It discussed the previous and the coming meetings with the President. "We have discussed the issues we wanted to raise. In the first place, the adoption of the law on non-government organizations. A number of agencies should like to use it as a scarecrow by introducing the practice of its selective application. The Council should like to take part in drafting by-laws," said Kuzminov.

Author: Vyacheslav Feraposhkin Source: CK correspondent

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