Dagestan, Charodin District, Tsurib village, secondary school. Photo by Alexander Deinega, www.odnoselchane.ru

12 October 2011, 19:00

Administration of Charodin District of Dagestan posts state order on construction of toilet worth 730,000 roubles


On October 11, the official website of Russian state procurements Zakupki.gov.ru posted a state order for "building a restroom in the village of Tsurib, Charodin District of Dagestan. The cost of the purchase is almost 730,000 roubles.

The intention of Dagestani bureaucrats to build such an expensive toilet did not go unnoticed. The fact is now actively discussed in the local blogosphere.

The blogger Gizru has compared in his Livejournal the cost of the rural toilet with the cost of an apartment for orphans.

"The administration of Kizilyurt buys a one-room apartment with the total area of 33 sq. m for orphans and children remaining without parental care for almost the same amount - 750,000 roubles; while volunteers from the Fund 'Clean Heart' are distributing food parcels among poor families in the neighbouring Dagestani Tsumadin District," writes the blogger.

"Excellent! A WC costing as an apartment! Moreover, except for the district head and his bodyguards, hardly anyone will visit the toilet," wrote the user under the nickname Proxodimez.

Meanwhile, the administration of the Charodin District refused to comment, the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent reports.


Author: Oleg Ionov Source: CK correspondent

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