27 May 2010, 13:00

No houses built for residents of North Ossetia in Leningori District

The Leningori District of South Ossetia runs no construction of houses for the refugees who arrived in the 1990s to live in North Ossetia, since there is no need of it, as Alan Dzhussoev, head of the district, said to the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

According to his story, "there is no need to build new houses for refugees, as their houses are still in place, where they lived earlier."

"But it does not mean that we plan to return our refugees back to their houses, which they were forced to leave in the 1990s," he said.

After recognition by Russia of South Ossetia's independence there are not so many cases of refugees' return, but some people have risked coming back to their homes.

Zamira Chochieva was forced to leave Leningori in 1992 at the very heat of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. She lived all these years as a refugee in a hostel in North Ossetia.

"God knows how I've suffered to make both ends meet. After the end of the Georgian aggression of 2008, I made inquiries and learnt that my house is occupied by an absolute stranger. With the use of false documents he had appropriated my house," the woman said.

All the same she has moved from Alagir (North Ossetia) to Leningori; however, she cannot get into her house and temporarily lives with her sister.

Author: Maria Kotaeva Source: CK correspondent

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