21 May 2010, 23:00

In Nalchik, Astakhov announces suspension of adoption of Russian children by foreigners

Currently, the process of adoption of Russian children by foreign citizens is de facto suspended until conclusion of bilateral international contracts. This was stated to journalists on May 20 by Pavel Astakhov, Plenipotentiary (Ombudsman) for Children's rights at the President of Russia, who paid a working visit to Nalchik.

At the same time, no legal decision on this issue has been passed yet.

"According to the Family Code, foreign adoption is a temporary and exclusive measure in relation to the children who cannot be adopted in Russia; it is allowed only under a bilateral international treaty," said Mr Astakhov.

The Children's Ombudsman has noted that with signing of such agreement, in particular, with the United States the legal collision will be resolved. "Otherwise, over 70,000 earlier adopted children in this country are outside the law," he said.

Mr Astakhov has added that protection of children is an issue of national safety. According to his statistics, annually Russia loses 300,000 children.

According to his story, children are lost "in the natural way": "they grow up, but new children are not born." Children perish in road accidents; they are killed by various criminals and rapists. Besides, children are adopted abroad.

Now, according to Mr Astakhov, the country's leaders have bethought and gave paramount importance to the problem of saving children. The efficiency of regional authorities will be estimated from the standpoint of complex protection of children and defence of their rights. "Whatever decisions are made, they all should be in the interests of children, as it is written in the Convention of the United Nations," he said.

Pavel Astakhov called journalists to speak about everything related to children: both about terrible facts and about something interesting and positive. In particular, in Mr Astakhov's opinion, mass media should support volunteers, since the movement, in his opinion, is in the embryo state.

He also emphasized that in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachai-Circussia children's physical inability rate is higher than in the average across Russia. There are many hearing impaired and deaf children there.

Mr Astakhov has emphasized that invalids are not seen in the streets, because there are no appliances for them to move there, and they cannot leave their homes. One bus, which is touring the city of Nalchik and transporting invalids, is no solution to the problem.

He has noted that when going to the Caucasus, he was sure to see strong family traditions and patrimonial links, which prevent sending orphans to children's homes, but he saw that it was not the case. Sometimes even close relatives - uncles and grandmother - send their children there.

The Ombudsman also noted that his assistants discovered that in the Elborus District of Kabardino-Balkaria the service of court marshals is not engaged in collecting alimonies in children's favour. There were facts when marshals came and asked mothers to recall their alimony suits. He treated these facts as outrageous.

The Kabardino-Balkarian adoption databank contains 365 children names. In Mr Astakhov's opinion, adoption goes slowly. He sees the reasons in hurdles put in front of adoptive parents by trusteeship and guardianship bodies and in corruption of these bodies. He recommended to journalists "to look at how adoption goes and tell about it."

In answer to journalists' questions Mr Astakhov said with reference to President of Kabardino-Balkaria Arsen Kanokov that Children's Ombudsman will appear in this republic this autumn, after the local parliament passes the corresponding law.

Pavel Astakhov visited a number of children's homes and held meetings with members of the government and President of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Author: Luiza Orazaeva Source: CK correspondent

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