29 April 2010, 22:20

Yuri Chaika claims 83% of terrorist acts in Russia in 2009 were committed in North Caucasus

Officers of the law enforcement agencies in North Caucasus have no special training, they are corrupt, while unresolved crimes are often attributed to killed militants - such conclusions are contained in the report of Yuri Chaika, RF Prosecutor General, on law and order in Russia in 2009, which he delivered to the Federation Council on April 28.

The Prosecutor General notes that a complicated criminogenic situation remains in North Caucasus with regard to terrorist crimes, as testified by a series of terrorist acts committed in 2010.

According to Yuri Chaika, the actions of the law enforcement agencies of the North Caucasus republics do not correspond to the crime rate in the region: "The efficiency of the law enforcement agencies in the North Caucasus republics in combating organized crime has significantly gone down, and their actions in the existing criminogenic situation have been inadequate".

Such inefficient activity of the law enforcement agencies, according to Yuri Chaika, has resulted in a 20% increase in the number of extremist crimes, with a quarter of them committed by organized groups.

According to the General Prosecutor's Office, 15 terrorist acts and 654 crimes of terrorist nature were totally registered last year, writes the "Commersant" newspaper.

Out of the total number for 2009, 544 crimes of terrorist nature were committed in North Caucasus, which constitutes 83% of the total number of similar crimes on the Russian territory.

Additionally, according to the prosecutor's office data, 1263 military servicemen, law enforcement officers and civil persons were killed last year in the South Federal District by members of illegal armed formations, which, according to Yury Chaika, "one-third higher that in the previous year".

However, the real figures are much higher because, according to the Prosecutor General's data, statistics have been manipulated when "unresolved serious and especially serious crimes were qualified as less serious".

Yuri Chaika's report runs that, in the course of supervision over preliminary investigation, "prosecutors reveal mass facts of falsification of procedural documents and cases of their gross mispresentation in the statistical reports".

"Reports often contain unreliable data on unresolved crimes, the practice of attributing the committed crimes to dead individuals is widely spread. The statistical reports contain mispresentations of the number of resolved crimes, and the data on the negative aspects of the activity are underestimated at the same time", cites the GZT.RU the Prosecutor General.

Yuri Chaika has especially emphasized the situation in Dagestan and Ingushetia. According to him, serious drawbacks have been revealed in the above republics and there have been cases when "unresolved crimes were attributed to killed members of bandit units with no evidence of their involvement in them", reports "Interfax".

He has also reported on revealed facts of supporting terrorist activity, the most widely spread form of which, according to the data of the General Prosecutor's Office, is the organization of an illegal armed unit or membership in it.

In this connection, Yuri Chaika suggests amendments in the RF Criminal Code aimed at toughening the responsibility for supporting terrorist activity.

As regards the reasons affecting the criminogenic situation in North Caucasus republics, the Prosecutor General notes among the main ones "an unprecedented level of corruption penetrating virtually all levels of the state power and the law enforcement and judicial system", unresolved social problems and a high level of unemployment.

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