22 October 2003, 14:23

Azerbaijan in atmosphere of terror and torture

Numerous irregularities on the day of presidential elections of October 15 did not complete the process of mass breaches of the law, violence and terror started even before an official start of the election campaign. That is notable that even one third of OSCE short-term observers publicized their own declaration about mass violations. Repressions against opposition activists are practiced in Baku city and provinces of Azerbaijan after the elections. They are arrested not only for alleged participation in the unallowed meeting at Azadliq Plaza, but members of election commissions for their refusals to sign falsified protocols, observers for their protests against violations of the election law. The situation is especially difficult in the provinces where some offices of local branches of the opposition parties are closed or attacked.

These days, the pro-governmental TV channels broadcast hate speeches against the opposition appealing for the closure of opposition media and political parties, arrests and punishment of their activists. Today, arrested leader of the opposition party "Umid" Iqbal Agazade has witnessed against the "Musavat" leaders in connection with the mass disorders of October 16. He did it allegedly under torture. Some terrorized opposition activists are forced to withdraw publicly from their party membership. In Baku school No 249, the director gathered the pupils and declared that "there would be no place for the children of arrested Musavat party members in the school", concretely for Tural Babayev, a son of Mirbaba Babayev.

That recalls the atmosphere of Stalin's terror of 1930s when the same party activists and their family members were repressed by Communists.

There are claims a total number of arrested people has reached 600 people. The indirect evidence of it is the fact that facilities for administrative prisoners in Azerbaijan are overloaded.

To check the allegations, the Federation of Human Rights Organizations of Azerbaijan established the ad hoc Crisis Center on the basis of the Institute of Peace and Democracy and for the account of its own human and technical resources. Hundreds of complaints have been received via hotline and e-mail of the Institute. The Federation has already collected concrete information on about 200 detainees, 13 missing and 26 severely beaten people.

We urge you:

  • to grant much attention to this missed opportunity of fair elections and to audit the results of voting;
  • to campaign against the terror against the political opposition in Azerbaijan and for the liberation of new political prisoners
  • and to stop torture.

October 20, 2003


The list of people who were severely beaten, arrested and who disappeared in Azerbaijan after the presidential elections of October 15, 2003


  1. Alisafa (Musavat Party member, observer) - arrested in Ali-Bayramly on Oct. 16, 2003
  2. Babayev Ilgar (Musavat Party member, observer) - arrested in Aly-Bayramly on Oct. 16, 2003
  3. Bashirli Ali (APFP - Azerbaijan Popular Front Party chair) - arrested from home on Oct. 16, 2003
  4. Gojayev Rasim (Umud Party chair) - arrested in Aly-Bayramly on Oct. 17, 2003
  5. Isayev Kamil (ADP chair) - arrested from home on Oct. 18, 2003
  6. Nazim (Musavat Party member, observer) - arrested in Aly-Bayramly on Oct. 16, 2003
  7. Rafizadeh Abdulla (Musavat Party chair) - beaten and arrested in Ali-Bayramly on Oct. 17, 2003
  8. Yusifov Anar (Musavat Party member) - arrested in Aly-Bayramly on Oct. 16, 2003
  9. Zeynalov Alibey (Musavat Party agitation secretary, PEC member) - arrested from home on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Aslanov Najaf (Musavat Party member, observer) - arrested in Agstafa on Oct. 18, 2003; sentenced to 5 days of imprisonment
  2. Aslanov Nazat (APFP member) - arrested in Agstafa on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Abbasov Khidayat (ADP - opposition Azerbaijan Democratic Party) - beaten in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003 
  2. Abdulloglu Aga (ADP) - beaten in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  3. Agayev (Musavat Party member, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  4. Agayev Suleyman (Musavat Party member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  5. Agazadeh Igbal (Umud Party chair) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  6. Ahmedov Hijran (ADP member, observer) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  7. Akhundov Babek (ADP member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  8. Akper Sulheddin (Musavat Party deputy chief for international affairs) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  9. Alekperzade Tabriz - disappeared in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  10. Aliyev Elchin (ADP member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  11. Aliyev Rashad (Musavat Party) - disappeared after the fight at Azadlig Square on Oct. 16, 2003
  12. Aliyev Rauf (ADP, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  13. Aliyeva Sevda (ADP) - beaten in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  14. Allahverdiyev Najaf - arrested in Jume Mosque on Oct. 17, 2003; released on Oct. 17, 2003
  15. Allahverdiyev Oruj (non-Party, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003
  16. Altay Ilgar (Musavat Party, journalist) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003
  17. Amrakhov Nurlan Sehriman (Musavat Party Youth Organization) - disappeared in Baku on Oct. 15, 2003
  18. Azimov Azim Mamedaga (non-Party) - disappeared in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  19. Babayev Gulhuseyn (PNIA, representative in PEC) - arrested from home on Oct. 15, 2003
  20. Babayev Mirbaba (Musavat Party, member of Divan (supreme council)) - arrested after work on Oct. 16, 2003
  21. Badirov Mehman (election commission secretary in Yasamal) - disappeared in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  22. Bayramov Dadash (opposition Musavat Party) - beaten in Baku
  23. Dadashov Haji (APFP, PEC secretary) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  24. Dadashov Rahim (APFP, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  25. Dadashov Sadi (non-Party activist in Nardaran) - arrested at Azadlig Square on Oct. 16, 2003; sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment
  26. Fattahov Fuad (ADP member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  27. Garachekli Azer (Avropa newspaper pressman) - disappeared in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  28. Gasanov Famil (ADP) - beaten in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  29. Gojayev Shahin (Musavat Party member) - beaten and arrested at Azadlig Square on Oct. 16, 2003; sentenced to 3 months of imprisonment
  30. Gubadov Khagani (ADP, commission member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  31. Gulhuseyn Haji (PNIA member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  32. Guliyev Ali (Musavat Party) - disappeared in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  33. Guliyev Fakhraddin (ADP security service chief) - arrested on Oct. 15, 2003; sentenced to 7 days of imprisonment
  34. Guliyeva Zulfiya Talat (ADP) - beaten in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  35. Guseynov Balaguseyn (ADP) - beaten in Baku
  36. Hajibeyli Vagif (Ahrar Party chair) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  37. Hajili Mustafa (Musavat Party, Russian version editor of the "Musavat" magazine) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  38. Hasanov Intigam (PNIA) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  39. Hasanov Veli (PNIA) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  40. Huseynov Nizami (ADP, commission member) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003
  41. Huseynov Panah (Khalg Party chair) - arrested on Oct. 19, 2003
  42. Ibadov Rashad (Musavat Party) - beaten and arrested at Azadlig square on Oct. 16, 2003
  43. Ibrahimli Ibrahim (Musavat Party deputy chief) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  44. Isayev Talekh (ADP) - beaten in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  45. Iskenderli Sayar (Musavat Party) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  46. Israfilov Akbar (Musavat Party member) - arrested at Azadlig square on Oct. 16, 2003; released on Oct. 17, 2003
  47. Israfilov Khudayar (non-Party) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  48. Jabiyev Natig (ADP secretary of election headquarters) - beaten and arrested on Oct. 18, 2003 at Sardar Jalaloglu's house by a group in masks (during the storm); sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment
  49. Jabiyev Rajab (ADP) - arrested at Musavat Party headquarters on Oct. 15, 2003
  50. Jalaloglu Sardar (ADP general secretary) - beaten and arrested by a group in masks that stormed his house on Oct. 18, 2003; sentenced to 3 months of imprisonment
  51. Khalilbeyli Eldaniz - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  52. Mamedli Orhan Murshud - disappeared in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  53. Mamedov Eldaniz Balastan (ADP) - beaten in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  54. Mamedov Elman (ADP member, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003
  55. Mamedov Fagani (activist) - arrested in Baku street fights on Oct. 16, 2003
  56. Mamedov Mushvig (ADP general secretary's bodyguard) - arrested on Oct. 15, 2003; sentenced to 10 days of imprisonment
  57. Mamedov Nizami (non-Party activist in Nardaran) - arrested at Azadlig square on Oct. 16, 2003; sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment
  58. Mamedov Vagif (Musavat Party, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003; sentenced to 5 days of imprisonment
  59. Mamedov Ziyaddin (ADP) - beaten in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  60. Mehtiyev (Musavat Party, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  61. Mehtiyev Mehti (Human Rights Resource Center director) - arrested from home on Oct. 18, 2003
  62. Mirzoyev Farid (Musavat Party activist) - arrested from home on Oct. 19, 2003
  63. Muhtarov Aliyar Mamedgulu (non-Party) - disappeared in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  64. Nabiyev Hasanbala (non-Party activist in Nardaran) - arrested at Azadlig square on Oct. 16, 2003; sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment
  65. Narimanoglu Azad - arrested in Jume Mosque on Oct. 17, 2003; released on Oct. 17, 2003
  66. Nasibov Tavakul (PNIA) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  67. Pasha Yunus (Musavat Party member) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003
  68. Rauf (Musavat Party member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  69. Salimov Vagif (Musavat Party member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  70. Samedov (PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  71. Sattakhov Fuad Karhaz (ADP) - disappeared in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  72. Shikhiyev Shikhi (PNIA) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  73. Talibov Nasimi (ADP member, observer) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  74. Zeynalov Eldar (ADP) - beaten in Baku on Oct. 16, 2003
  75. Zulfugarly Rovshan (Musavat Party, PEC member) - arrested from home on Oct. 18, 2003 for his refusal to sign the protocol


  1. Ibrahimov Dagyunus (APFP, DEC secretary) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Abbasov Rashid (PNIA) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  2. Abbasov Rufat (PNIA, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  3. Agayev Vagif (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  4. Ahmedov Ramin (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  5. Ahmedov Yashar (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  6. Aliyev Rahib (Musavat Party) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  7. Aliyev Shuruya (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  8. Amirkhanly Jahahangir (Musavat Party member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  9. Askerov Akif - beaten in Ganja
  10. Aslanov Eldar (PNIA, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  11. Babayev Rufin (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  12. Bagirov Mamed - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  13. Baratov Barat (Musavat Party) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  14. Bayramov Alay (PNIA) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  15. Eminbeyli Sevinj (ADP, DEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  16. Fatullayev Orkhan (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  17. Gadimov Vugar (Musavat Party, observer) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  18. Gajimaliyev Vugar - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  19. Gulseyn Haji (PNIA) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  20. Hagverdiyev Gambar (APFP) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  21. Hagverdiyev Irshad (APFP) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  22. Hagverdiyev Rafig (APFP) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  23. Hasanov Sahib (APFP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  24. Huseynov Asif (APFP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  25. Imanov Salman (Musavat Party) - beaten in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  26. Isayev Musa (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  27. Iskenderli Gulu (Musavat, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 18, 2003
  28. Ismayilov Arzu (Musavat Party, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  29. Ismayilov Elnur (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003; sentenced to 5 days of imprisonment for his refusal to sign the protocol
  30. Ismayilov Fuad (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  31. Ismayilov Sakhavat (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  32. Jafarov Anar - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  33. Jafarov Mushvig (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  34. Jafarov Vusal (APFP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  35. Kerimov Zahir (Musavat Party) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  36. Khalilov Muraz (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  37. Khalilov Nazim (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  38. Latifov Etibar (PNIA, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  39. Maharramli Shakira (Musavat Party) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  40. Mamedov Abulfet (Musavat Party) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  41. Mamedov Akif (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  42. Mamedov Firuz (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  43. Mamedov Meherrem - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  44. Meherremli Zakir - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  45. Mehtiyev Ali (APFP) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  46. Mirzoyev Vagif (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  47. Mustafazadeh Mutu (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  48. Nabiyev Vagif (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  49. Namazov Shahriyar (PNIA, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003; released on Oct. 18, 2003
  50. Narimanov Ilgar (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  51. Nasibov Akif - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  52. Orujov Rahim (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  53. Orujov Ramiz (PNIA chair) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003
  54. Shabanov Rashad (APFP) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 17, 2003
  55. Yusifov Bakhtiyar (ADP, PEC member) - arrested in Ganja on Oct. 16, 2003


  1. Mireliyev Ismayil (Musavat Party chair) - arrested in Gazakh on Oct. 19, 2003


  1. Dashdemirov Sadig (Musavat Party member) - arrested in Gebele on Oct. 17, 2003; taken to the Baku chief police office
  2. Nuraddinov Nazim (Musavat Party chair) - arrested in Gebele on Oct. 17, 2003; taken to the Baku chief police office


  1. Guliyev Oruj - arrested in Gedebey on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Abdullayev Jahangir (PNIA, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  2. Hasanov Hasan (PNIA chair) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  3. Zeynalov Telman (PNIA member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Abdullayev Afgan (APFP member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  2. Aliyev Mushvig (APFP member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  3. Mamedov Suleyman (APFP member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  4. Seyfiyev Mirheydar (Musavat Party) - arrested in Imishli on Oct. 17, 2003
  5. Shukurov Alishir (APFP member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  6. Zulfugarov Mahbub (ADP chair) - arrested in Imishli on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Akperli Namik (Musavat Party chair) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003


  1. Mamedov Agaverdi (ADP member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003; sentenced to 15 days of imprisonment


  1. Akhundov Rahim (APFP member) - beaten and arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  2. Aliyev Veli (Musavat Party member) - arrested in Baku street fights on Oct. 16, 2003
  3. Amirkhan (PNIA, commission member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  4. Bedirli Akif (Musavat Party chair) - beaten and arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  5. Farajov Alizamin - beaten and arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  6. Garayev Shahbaz - beaten and arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  7. Hajibala - beaten and arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  8. Mamedov Gani (APFP chair) - arrested in Baku street fights on Oct. 16, 2003
  9. Mirzoyev Akif (Musavat Party) - beaten in Djalilabad on Oct. 16, 2003
  10. Umudov Arzulla (Musavat Party) - beaten in Djalilabad on Oct. 16, 2003
  11. Zeynalov Afgan (Musavat Party) - beaten in Djalilabad on Oct. 16, 2003
  12. Zeynalov Iman - beaten and arrested on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Abbasov Adalat (APFP, representative in DEC) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003; released on Oct. 17, 2003
  2. Aliyev Bayram (APFP, PEC member) - disappeared on Oct. 16, 2003
  3. Gasimov Bakhtiyar (APFP, PEC member) - disappeared on Oct. 16, 2003
  4. Jafarzadeh Savalan (APFP, PEC member) - disappeared on Oct. 16, 2003
  5. Mamedov Zulfugar (APFP, PEC member) - disappeared on Oct. 16, 2003


  1. Abdiyev Fakhreddin (APFP chair) - arrested in Saatly on Oct. 17, 2003
  2. Agarza (Musavat Party chair) - arrested in Saatly on Oct. 17, 2003
  3. Akperov Beybala (Musavat Party) - arrested in Saatly on Oct. 17, 2003
  4. Godjayev Shamsi (ADP) - beaten in Saatly on Oct. 16, 2003
  5. Humbatov Mikayil (ADP chair) - arrested in Saatly on Oct. 17, 2003; sentenced to 10 days of imprisonment
  6. Keremov Nasaraddin (ADP, member of Majlis) - arrested in Saatly on Oct. 18, 2003
  7. Muradov Dashgin (Molla (relig.)) - arrested in Saatly on Oct. 17, 2003
  8. Umudov Chingiz (Liberal Party chair) - arrested in Saatly on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Gojayev Shamsi (ADP) - arrested on Oct. 16, 2003
  2. Habil (APFP) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003
  3. Khalilbeyli Farhad (PNIA) - beaten and arrested on Oct. 18, 2003
  4. Sadigov Sardar - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003
  5. Tofig (Bozgurd Party chair) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003
  6. Veliyev Ramil (non-Party) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003


  1. Akperov Ilgam (PNIA - opposition Party of National Independence of Azerbaijan) - disappeared in Samukh on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Alekperov Etibar (PNIA chair) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Feyzullayev Yaver (ADP, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Hasanov Sadyar (APFP chair) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Abdullayev Shirvan (Musavat Party) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  2. Ahmedov Elbrus (Musavat Party) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  3. Akberov Ilham (PNIA) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003 for his refusal to sign the protocol
  4. Akhundov Babek - arrested at Azadlig Square on Oct. 16, 2003
  5. Aliyev Balabey - beaten in Sumgait
  6. Aliyev Balabey (Musavat Party) - arrested from home on Oct. 16, 2003
  7. Asadbeyli Bahruz (Musavat Party chair) - arrested at night and taken to the prosecutor's office in Baku on Oct. 17, 2003
  8. Fatullazadeh Ruslan (Musavat Party financial secretary, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003; taken to prosecutor's office of Sumgait
  9. Hashimov Aliaga (Musavat Party) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  10. Hemidli Shireli (Musavat Party) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  11. Huseynli Emin (Musavat Party, student/activist) - beaten and arrested from home on Oct. 16, 2003
  12. Ilyas Azeri (Musavat Party) - beaten in Sumgait on Oct. 16, 2003
  13. Israfilov Ikram (Musavat Party deputy chief, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 18, 2003; taken to the prosecutor's office of Sumgait and then to the Baku chief police station
  14. Mamedli Ilham (Musavat Party) - disappeared on Oct. 16, 2003
  15. Mamedov Vugar (Musavat Party) - arrested from home on Oct. 17, 2003
  16. Memmedli Hesen (Musavat Party) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  17. Mukhtarov Aliyar (Musavat Party) - arrested at Azadlig Square on Oct. 16, 2003
  18. Mustafayev Azadali (Musavat Party) - beaten in Sumgait on Oct. 16, 2003
  19. Mustafayev Ilham (Musavat Party) - arrested at Azadlig Square on Oct. 16, 2003
  20. Piriyev Eldar (Musavat Party) - disappeared on Oct. 16, 2003
  21. Sattakhov Fuad (ADP member) - arrested at Azadlig Square on Oct. 16, 2003
  22. Shukur Mustafa (Musavat Party) - beaten in Sumgait on Oct. 16, 2003
  23. Takhirov Oktay (Musavat Party) - beaten in Sumgait on Oct. 16, 2003
  24. Talibov Nasimi (ADP member) - arrested at Azadlig Square on Oct. 16, 2003


  1. Kerimov Arif (APFP) - arrested in Tovuz on Oct. 19, 2003
  2. Rashid (APFP) - arrested in Tovuz on Oct. 19, 2003


  1. Ahmedov Gulbala (APFP member, observer) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003
  2. Aliyev Asif (Musavat Party, PEC member) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003 for his refusal to sign the protocol
  3. Karimov Gurshud (APFP member, observer) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003


  1. Muradov Vugar (ADP chair) - arrested on Oct. 17, 2003

Source: Federation of Human Rights Organizations of Azerbaijan

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